🌻Affectionate! Bendy🌻

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This was requested by njtransit15764! Enjoy the one-shot!

   You and Bendy were friends for a long time. You first met when Bendy was having an ink attack and you helped him. You then met Boris and you guys have been friends ever since. You were also a bit closer to Boris than with Bendy. Bendy was nice and chill, but it was just how he would flirt with all the ladies. You would sometimes feel some anger rise in you, but you kept it to yourself. 

   Now, Bendy was feeling something in his stomach as he walked with you and Boris. When you turned to him, he quickly looked away, heat creeping on his cheeks. You shrug and keep walking. Bendy blushes more as he realizes what this feeling is. "Hey. We should go in a restaurant, you guys. I am pretty starving," you suggest and Boris nods. 

   "Y-Yeah, let's go in a restaurant," Bendy agrees. You three find a restaurant and you start to reach for the restaurant's door. Bendy's eyes widen and he quickly rushes to the door and opens it. He motions into the restaurant. "Lady and brother first," Bendy says, making you and Boris chuckle while entering the restaurant. Bendy follows after you two as you pick a place to sit. You finally pick one, with Boris's help, and you guys go to the table. Just as you were going to sit, Bendy pulled your seat out for you. You smile at him and sit down and he pulls in your seat. He goes to his own seat and Boris was giggling to himself. 

   The waiter eventually comes and gives you, Bendy and Boris the menu. You choose your orders and tell the waiter. He takes the menus back and leaves again. You start to chat with Boris and Bendy, but Bendy was acting a bit strange. He wasn't even flirting like his usual self. You were about to ask him, but the waiter came with your drinks...but Bendy didn't get one.

   "Bendy, where's your drink?" you ask him and he just shrugs and winks at you.

   "Do you mind if I share with you, (Y/n)?~" Bendy responds, making you blush lightly. Being the good friend you are, you shake your head. Bendy smiles and his cheeks heat up as well. Bendy takes a straw and places it in your drink. You blush a little more and do the same with your straw. You and Bendy both start to drink from the cup, and Boris watched with a very happy expression on his face. You two stopped drinking and blushed more. Your food came and you thanked the waiter. He left and Bendy sat next to you. 

   "Bendy? What are you doing?" you ask, but Bendy doesn't answer. He picks up your food and turns back to you.

   "Say 'ahh'!" Bendy smiles at you innocently. You blush red and sigh to yourself. You blush more as you let Bendy feed you. He eventually goes back to his own seat and starts to eat his own food. You glance at his food and smirk. You take the plate away from him and he whines. You giggle and pick up his food.

   "Say 'ahh'!" you repeat back to him and his face turns red. Bendy hesitantly opens his mouth and you start to feed him. Boris already finished eating and he was watching the two of you. You giggled at Bendy's cuteness as you fed him. Sadly, that cuteness ended when you finished feeding him his food.

   "T-Thanks, (Y/n)," you hear Bendy mumble and you just giggle. You all pay the waiter then leave the restaurant. You and the bros start to look for a motel and you eventually find one. You get a room with 2 beds and you get the keys to it. Bendy grabs your hand before you enter the room. "Go on, Boris, we'll meet you inside," Bendy tells him and he nods. 

   "What is it, Bendy?" you were worried if it was something bad. Bendy blushes and scratches the back of his head (ssooo much blushy XD). 

   "W-Well, I-uhm..." you just stare at him, waiting for him to finish. He blushes more as he motions for you to come closer. You do so and he keeps motioning until your inches away from his face. You blush lightly and you tilt your head at him. Bendy suddenly slammed his lips onto yours and you then kiss back. After a few minutes, Bendy pulls away. "I-I love you, (Y/n)," Bendy stutters. You then put two and two together.

   "That's why you were acting like that in the restaurant?" you question him and he jumps slightly. Bendy then nods. You giggle and kiss his cheek. "Trying to drop hints, huh?" you tease and Bendy blushes more. You take his hand and bring him into the room.


BABTQFTIM!Bendy x Reader~One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now