🍋Loving The Enemy: Part 3🍋

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This Part 3 was requested by LITERALLY ALMOST ALL OF YOU (you know who you are lel). So onto the one-shot mah owlings! Also WARNING: MATURE CONTENT LATER IN ONE-SHOT and this one-shot is pretty long, so get a snack while your reading this lol.


   "WAAAHHHH!!!" I cried as loud as my little lungs could. Cup and Mug heard my screams and came rushing to me.

   "What's wrong, (Y/n)?" Cups asked as he approached me. I looked up at him, teary eyed. I just fell and now my knees were cut and bleeding. I glanced down at my wounds and back up at him."Oh. Don't worry, little sis! Your big bros are here to help!" Cups and Mug went to my sides and they both picked me up using their arms (like the picture below, but if you can't see it just search up two person arm carry).

 Don't worry, little sis! Your big bros are here to help!" Cups and Mug went to my sides and they both picked me up using their arms (like the picture below, but if you can't see it just search up two person arm carry)

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   Cup and Mug took me inside and Dad rushed over to us. We all explained what happened and Dad told me to be more careful. Dad took care of my knees and then a flash happened before everything turned dark.


   Huh...sounds like someone is calling my name..

   "Wake up!"

   Wait..that sounds like...

No One's POV

   You woke up and the first thing you saw was Bendy's face. You blushed a little and lightly shoved him away from you. This made him chuckle. "S-Sorry, (Y/n), I just had to wake you up for breakfast," Bendy explained. You sat up on the bed.

   "O-Okay then. I-I'll meet you there," you responded. Bendy gave you a short nod before leaving you. You got up from the bed and fixed it. You realized you didn't have any extra clothes and you groaned to yourself. You went to the bathroom and did all you needed to do. You left the room and headed to where the scent of pancakes, bacon, waffles, and eggs were.

   You made it to the room and saw other people from the hotel eating at the tables. Your eyes finally land on Bendy and Boris, who were looking at some type of map. You walk over to them, but something or someone grabs you from behind. You were about to scream, but a hand covered your mouth. You were then tossed into a dark corner. You let out a yelp as you came into contact with the ground.

   "Heh heh, you're a cute one ain't cha?~" a deep voice stated. You gasped and looked up at the figure. You couldn't really see his face because it was so dark.

   "W-What are you gonna do to me?" you ask. You hear the guy chuckle darkly.

   "Nothing much, but if you fight back, I'll make sure to torture the ones you love, got it, doll?" he seemed serious about his threat and you even saw some type of weapon shine on his belt. You didn't want anyone to get hurt so you simply nodded. "Good~" he approached you, making you shudder. He started to reach to your clothes. You closed your eyes tight, hoping that this was just a nightmare. You felt your clothes starting to get ripped off your body and some tears started to form in your eyes.

BABTQFTIM!Bendy x Reader~One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now