So This Happened..

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Okay. You all wont guess what happened to me today!

(Excuse my language)


So here's the story

My mom took me and my bro to the park and we had lunch or dinner idk and i finished first and decided to head towards the playground

I go there and wait a bit and i go on the swings. I cant really use the swings as intended because i finished eating and i dont want to vomit.

So after a little while, i go on my phone, and head onto Wattpad and read over my stories, unknown that a little girl was waiting for a swing.

Then like 2 minutes later, her a$$hole dad approaches me. He said to me," You know there are other people waiting for the swings and you're just texting!"

I get pissed and answer him," im not texting, im reading."

He says," i dont care, you're still on your phone."

I get off the swing and walk away saying,"well SOR-ry,"

Even his girlfriend or whatever didnt approve his behavior! As i walked away she said,"Why did you have to be so mean?"

He answered," its not mean its the truth!"

-_- *sigh* look everyone i know not everyone in the world is gonna be a nice person. But he could've asked me nicely to get off the swing, but no. Be an a$$ why dont you?

Ill be working on my books...bye

(Also i felt as if was almost close to crying idk whats up with my body -_-)

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