🌹Vampire! Reader🌹

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This one-shot was requested by babtqftimcrushi! Hope you enjoy!

   You dropped your dead victim on the ground as you finish drinking their blood. You licked off the remains of the blood off your mouth. You sighed because the taste of the past blood you drank wasn't that delicious. You use your vampire magic and make the bite mark of the victim disappear. You flew back to your hotel room, which you were sharing with your friends Bendy and Boris. You blushed lightly as you saw how peaceful Bendy looked while he slept. You let out a sigh as you go into bed and fell asleep.
   You woke up and saw Bendy's face extremely close to your's. You didn't expect him to be there, so you jumped up and your forehead bumped into Bendy's. You both grab you foreheads and groaned in pain. "Sorry about that, Bendy," you apologize, getting up from bed. He was still trying to recover from the head-butt.
   "Argh, it's okay, (Y/n). Geez, you have a hard skull," Bendy's statement makes you giggle.

   "Why, thank you," you respond jokingly. Yet, you know why your skull was 'hard', it was actually your vampire strength that made your and Bendy's forehead hurt. You then sniff something in the air. Your eyes widen when you realize you made Bendy's forehead bleed (just go with it). You cover your mouth trying not to show your fangs. Bendy realizes you covering your mouth.

   "What is it-oh," Bendy cuts through his sentence when he feels his blood. You feel something ache in your stomach and your mind. You felt like taking some of Bendy's blood, but you can't. He's your friend! You close your eyes and open them, they were now red.

   Bendy still hasn't noticed this change. You then pounce on him, pinning him to the floor. He blushes red and notices your eyes. "(Y-Y/n), your eyes," he points to your eyes and you simply ignore it. You lean to Bendy's face and lick his wound, he blushes more. "A-ah, (Y-Y/n)..." Bendy stutters. You then look directly in his eyes and he falls under your hypnosis.

   You smirk and lick your lips and tilt Bendy's head to the side. You lick his neck and he moans slightly. You start to lick his neck more until you find the perfect spot to bite him. You sinked your teeth into his neck and he yelped in pain. You continued to drink his blood because of how delectable it was.

   Yet, you eventually stop and snap your fingers. Bendy's eyes return to normal and he holds his neck in pain. Your eyes also go back to normal and you gasped at what you did.

   "O-oh gosh. I-I'm so sorry, Bendy!" you apologize again for the 2nd time of the day. He just chuckles and you help him up.

   "Its alright, vampire," Bendy winks at you and you blush.

   "Well...now you know..." you say looking away sadly. Bendy holds your chin and makes you look at him.
   "Hey, it's fine that you sucked my blood. You need it to survive. And plus I'm a demon so, don't feel bad," Bendy gives you a smile and you giggle. He then scratches the back of his neck and blushes brightly. "I..um...also kinda enjoyed it t-too," Bendy states and you blush as well. You then smile and give him a kiss. His eyes widen and then flutters closed as he kisses you back.

   You wrap your arms around his neck and his arms go around your waist. You two continue to kiss until you break for air. You giggle at a thought. Bendy tilts his head. "What's so funny?"

   "A demon and vampire dating. Seems legit," you giggle more and Bendy just chuckles. He wraps his arm around your shoulder as you two walk out the room for breakfast. Though, I guess you can say you already had breakfast.

BABTQFTIM!Bendy x Reader~One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now