🌸Abandoned Baby! Reader🌸

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This was requested by Willow-Owemation! Hope you enjoy!

   Bendy and Boris continued to walk trying to follow the map. Suddenly, a strong cry was heard making the two perk up. "Hear that?" Boris asks. Bendy rolls his eyes.

   "Of course I do, Boris. But where is the real question," Boris nods in agreement. The two continue to look for the crying until they finally get to it. Their eyes widen at what they find. It was a baby and the only thing (she/he) had was a (light pink/light blue) blanket. (She/He) kept crying and Bendy walked up to (her/him). He picked the abandoned baby.

   "What do we do with (her/him)?" Boris asks as he looks as the crying baby in Bendy's arms.

   "Well, we can't leave 'em here," Bendy states. Boris follows Bendy as he leaves the area. 

   "Wait, Bendy, is the baby just gonna be nameless?" Boris asks pointing to you. Bendy looks down at you.

   "(Y/n), is (her/his) name." 


   Bendy tried to hold in his laughter as you played with his tail. His tail was sensitive and with the way you were playing with it didn't help. Boris noticed and chuckled. Bendy hears this and looks back. "W-What's so funny?" Bendy stammers. Boris chuckles more.

   "Oh, nothing. Just that you're trying ssoo hard not to laugh," Boris teases. Bendy rolls his eyes.

   "S-Shut up," Bendy replies. "AAH!" Bendy yells in pain. Boris looks at Bendy's tail and sees you biting on it. "AAAHH! GET (HER/HIM) OFF! GET (HER/HIM) OFF!" Boris giggles and tries to get you off Bendy's tail.

   "C'mon, (Y/n). Let go of Bendy's tail," Boris tries to tell you. You give him an innocent look as your spit starts to go on the tip of Bendy's tail. Boris does many funny faces and gets you to laugh. Bendy takes his tail and wipes off your spit. "Well, it wasn't that bad, was it, Bendy?" Boris pats Bendy's back. Bendy growls to himself.

   "Speak for yourself. You didn't have your tail mauled on by a baby. Which I still don't know how that's possible since (she's/he's) a newborn," 

   Boris laughs and they continue on their quest with a baby and a new member of the family. You eventually started to call Bendy, "Daddy", and Boris, "Uncle". 


Sorry, this one wasn't long I didn't have anymore ideas. this was the best I can do. I hope you enjoyed!

BABTQFTIM!Bendy x Reader~One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now