thirty seven

88 2 5


x Niall x

It's fucking 7:30pm.

And I'm in front of Zahraa's house and I'm tired as shit.

It probably wasn't a good idea to stay up all night watching Stranger Things because clearly I missed that lesson at school that warns us not to give in to peer pressure.

What? It seems as though you can't have a normal conversation with anyone these days if you haven't watched such.

Well that or game of thrones.

So naturally I started it last night (of all nights) and hid behind a pillow for 55 mins . Jesus that's intense.

That's all I can say.

I'm probably not going to make it through today alive, but it's worth a shot.

Pray for me?


About fifteen minutes later I was finally standing beside her bed.

I'm not a creepy I promise.

Although that's probably what a creep would say.

Oh well.

I took a bit longer because I was chatting to momma Zahraa first.

She was leaving for work but regardless, she still stood with me in the kitchen for round about twelve-ish minutes just catching up and and having me telling her about my plans for today.

She seemed so excited and was asking me a tank load of questions, until it dawned on her that she had to get to work and it was rather getting late.

So she apologized (unnecessarily because come on, I'm the most understanding person and I know she's got adulting to do. What? Shut up, I am ) and she pretty much teleported out of the house.

That's how fast she left.

I swear I'm not being dramatic.

Anyway, back to the present. Which would be attempting to wake sleeping beauty here from her slumber.

How do I get myself into these situations.

"Wake up Bee" I whisper-yelled, sort, as I gently shook her shoulder.

Of course the only response I got was groaning and whining.

Next I tried blowing on her face while shaking her a bit harder.

On any other day, I would've attempted to be cliche as balls and do something like kiss her awake. But time is of the essence here, mates.

"Go away" she frowned while (surprise surprise) groaning.

"Come nowwww" I whined. In a manly way, of course.

Okay dudely then?

Ah fuck the right off.


Special tactics must be used in such a situation.

The method of my rude awakening? Pulling off the blankets from her upper body the same way mum would when I didn't want to wake up for school.

got lightning in a bottle || n.h auWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt