thirty four

95 7 16

"There is love inside this madness
We are walking on the moon
Though I don't believe in magic
I believe in me and you" 💕


x Zahraa x

So Niall declared today the first of many Z&Ni days. No interruptions nor distractions from the outside world. Or the outernet as it's sometimes called.

Just me and him. And the usual goofiness and burst of randomness of course.

Of course in true Niall fashion, that involved watching movies, listening to music and of course eating until we felt as though we'd burst.

It's been roughly two weeks and a few days since we got back together and if I'm honest, it's as if we never parted, as corny as that may sound.

We still get on like a house on fire and have so much fun together. It's amazing.

One thing that I would say has changed just a little bit, is Niall's level of clinginess and the amount of attention he gives me.

Not that I'm complaining.

When we're together he always either has his arms around me. Be it on my waist or a hand strung over my shoulders.

When we're out in public my hand is always in his warm one, just swinging idly in between us. And when when we're not holding hands, he has his hand on my waist, just holding me firmly close to him. As if he's proving to the world that I'm his, and Lord knows I couldn't be happier and more touched by that. It makes me all tingly and flustered.

Plus he's always touching and caressing my face, hugging me and kissing me like his life depends on it while whispering that he loves me. And all the while it makes me feel so giddy and fluttered and I wouldn't trade that feeling for anything. No matter how much of a tomato I resemble.

It's not even just that, he texts me almost every hour, and I'm not exaggerating here. I kind of count.

Does that sound a bit weird?

Oh well, I am queen weirdo after all so meh.

I mean just the other day he texted me while he was running on the track at the gym. A few seconds later he was calling me and ranting about how they didn't have power all day yesterday and how he actually wants to sue or chuck potatoes at their heads. His breath was laboured and everything. It was quite amusing. Although I know how irritating it is to not have power, so I can sympathise.

And ever since he got snapchat, I swear it's like his mission is to give me heart palpitations.

I mean the flower crown snap he sent while he was in his room?! He was being his cute self, all pouting and being being pretty and angelic and my heart almost gave out.

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