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× Niall ×

When I woke up the next Sunday, I had this insanely huge smile on my face. I kid you not. I probably resembled those overly joyous movie characters that have an early morning montage and have a vibey backtrack for it too.

Except you know, it's currently 1pm and I can't dance for shite.

But close enough.

I arrived home at last night at around eight after an amazing evening with Zahraa and proceeded to plop onto my bed and text her into the early hours of the morning.

What are the chances that she'd be as nocturnal as I am. Can she get anymore perfect?

I mean she's honestly so great. I knew this already considering the fact that I spent most of my high school career watching her longingly from afar (I'm not a stalker, I promise) but she's just so much more captivating up close.

I was taken a back by her wit and sass when we first started talking because everytime I'd seen her at school she just seemed so reserved and even timid. I guess it only came out once she was comfortable around someone?

That's what I was going with anyway.

Her sense of humour is a blessing all on it's own too. Last night she was the telling me about the squabbles her aunt and uncle have and she said something about her uncle's beard that normally wouldn't have been that funny, but way she phrased it had me snorting in a rather unattractive manner.

My eyes widened comically before I slapped a hand over my mouth, which was futile considering the embarrassing sound had already left my mouth.

She stopped mid sentence after the sound I had made and was regarding me and my crimson face with an amused expression before she began giggling uncontrollably. It was the most adorable sight I'd seen in a while and I didn't even mind that it was at my expense.

All in all, I really didn't want the date to end. But hey, all good things do, huh?

Back to the present. I really couldn't be bothered to wake up. And with that being said, I promptly went back to asleep.

* * *

When I came to, I could feel air being blown into my face. I could've sworn I closed the windows last night.

I wasn't ready to get out of bed so I kept my eyes tightly closed and willed the breeze to stop. After watching Matilda the other day, I'm convinced that I've got some hidden telekinetic powers or some such. They're probably just waiting for the perfect time to let themselves show. Now would be a good time lad, just saying.

It didn't work.

If anything, it. seemed to spur the wind on somehow and it just started blowing even harder than before. I could've sworn that it smelt a bit like watermelon. I must be more tired than I thought. Mother nature, what have I ever done to you?!

I resisted some more and kept my eyes closed.

I could've sworn, yet again, that I heard a "flipping hell Niall" before I felt something flick my ear. That had me jumping up, as awake and alert as ever.

And there, sitting on my bed facing me, was an innocent looking Zahraa.

Yeah I think I may still be asleep. I blinked about fifteen times before rubbing whatever sleep was left out of my eyes. With my eyes still closed, I took a deep breath, before opening them again.

She was still there looking like something akin to a dream. She was dressed in a pink band t-shirt with overalls on and her hair was tied into a bun the top of her head. So simple yet flawless. Help me please.

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