nineteen pt. 1

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× Zahraa ×

Today, Niall and I had planned to have a "Netflix and chill" type of afternoon at my house complete with yummy snacks and tons of pillows. 

In all honesty, it was just our lowsy excuse to have a cuddle session. Oops?

But the thing is, I forgot Shayna would be there.

She was meant to go to the mall to pick up a few things with my mom, but upon finding out that I had planned to stay in and hang out with Niall, she suddenly didn't feel that well and opted to stay home. 

My mom told her it was better that she stay at home instead. Maybe she could change one down and watch a movie with Niall and I when she felt better.

A few days ago, I would've been suspicious of her true intentions but after yesterday, I didn't actually mind the prospect of her joining Niall and I in our Netflix and Chill day.

It wasn't anything all that special, what happened yesterday.

I had nothing to do so I decided to plug my speaker in and have an impromptu concert consisting of any song that came on my shuffled playlist and horrendous dance moves.

So the usual, pretty much. 

One of my favourite songs, Crush by Yuna featuring Usher came on and I swear Shayna all but broke my door down upon hearing such.

I was particularly obsessed with the song when Niall and I began hanging out because it described my situation and feelings so well. Holds quite a few memories, that song.

So anybuns, Shayna and I discovered that we a very similar taste in music and she loved all the bands that I did.

We were bouncing all over the room with our hairbrush mics in our hands, belting lyrics out at the top of our lungs.

It was quite a bit of fun. And it also made me see Shayna in a different light.

Back to the present, however.

I found it odd that Shay suddenly felt sick, when she okay just a few minutes ago.

Best not question it though. The human body is a strange thing. 

Maybe it was like one of those dizzy spells and waves of fatigue that I get every now and again. The life and times of an anaemic teenager.


Maybe it was also the fact that she didn't have a lot of friends on this side of the equator. It must get lonely, so maybe she just was looking to have a movie marathon with the two closest people she had to "friends".

"Thank you auntie" she frowned, earning a sympathetic smile from my mom. "I really don't know why I feel this way, and so suddenly too"

"It's okay, love. We'll head to the mall another day. You just try and sleep it off. I'll pick up some meds for you on my way back" my mom smiled, all caring and sweet.

She's never this nice to me. I pouted at the thought. When I'm sick she shouts at me for getting myself into the state, and then proceeds to baby me and fill me up with meds and healthy food.


*      *      *

Niall arrived at around 2:35pm with a huge backpack weighing in his shoulders, one that was probably filled with food.

Opened the door to find him standing there in a dark grey hoodie and black sweat pants.

He hair looked windswept and his cheeks were a precious rosy colour, probably on account of the chilly weather outside. I was so tempted to pinch his cheeks and squish then together and turn him into a little fishy.

Instead, I settled for a hug.

"You smell good" I mumbled into his neck while inconspicuously trying to sniff him a bit more.

He smelled heavenly.

"Thanks" he chuckled, tightening his arms around me. "Don't you think we should-"


We untangled our arms from around each other at the sound of someone clearing their throat.

I turned around to find Shayna standing at the doorway that connected the kitchen to the living room, her arms folded and eyebrow raised in an almost smug manner.


"Errr ya, Niall, that's my cousin Shayna over there, she's gonna be staying with us for the holidays and all that. And Shayna, meet Niall" I halfheartedly introduced them, gesturing and pointing at whoever I was addressing at the moment.

"Hi Shayna, nice to meet you" Niall smiled politely, waving at her a bit nervously.

He tends to get like that around new people. As soon as he gets comfortable around them though, the dorky weirdo in him comes alive.

"Hii there Niall" Shayna pretty much purred, wiggling her fingers in his direction. "Zahraa certainly didn't mention how utterly adorable you are. Or should I say, not enough."

Flipping hell, she sounded like some sultry minx.

I'm shit at flirting and almost never catch on when someone is flirting with me, but I could tell immediately that Shayna was flirting with Niall.

"Erm thank you?" Niall blushed, scratching the back of his neck cutely.

Shayna was smiling, her eyes running up and down his frame in a way that had me clenching my fists before taking hold of Niall's forearm and leading him to the living room.

"Someone's excited for the movie" Niall chuckled as I was all but dragging him towards the couch.

"Something of the sort" I gritted out distractedly.

My thoughts were more focused on my she-devil of a cousin who was currently sneaking glances at my boyfriend while she thought no one was looking.

Or maybe she knew I was watching and the as just looking to piss me off even more?

Lord give me strength.

*     *     *

A/N: I swear, the only reason I've split this chapter into two parts is simply because... I'm lazy. Lazy as frick. Also explains the shorter than normal length of this chapter.

Forgive me?

- Glor xx

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