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When I walked out of the house on a chilly Saturday morning -after narrowly escaping having to accompany Shayna and my mom to the beautician- Niall was already walking up the drive way, most likely here to pick me up.

We had planned on going to Milky Lane -the one at the mall close to my house (they make thee best pancakes and most mouth watering desserts) -and then watch Mockingjay. Believe it or not, he was the one that suggested the movie.

I couldn't be more into him if I tried.

But to be honest, he could have suggested it simply because I had been rambling about it ever since it premiered and he'd probably have to deal with me moaning and whining about how I didn't get to watch one of the best movies of all time if we didn't go and see it. It was in his best interests to "suggest" it.

Niall was clad in thick, sweats, a grey beanie with hair sticking out in front, grey jumper and a black bomber jacket on top. Perfect attire for weather that seemed to be a result of Satan leaving his industrial sized fridge open. The tit.

I, on the other hand, was dressed as though I was heading on over to Antarctica to go bond with the the penguins.

I was dressed in black jeans - that honestly only looked as tight as they did on account of the two pairs of leggings I had on underneath- my black white Adidas Superstars, a white vest, a white long-sleeved T-shirt, a thin white sweater, a white hoodie and a grey half bomber jacket. Oh and my white scarf. And kitten mittens. And a white beanie.

What? I'd rather not freeze my non existent nuts off okay.

"Heading over to Alaska anytime soon love?" Niall chuckled when I finally standing in front of him.

"We'll see who has the last laugh when you're purple by 2pm" I huffed, pouting slightly.

"It's cute" he smirked before taking a step forward and winding his arms around my waist. He nuzzled his face in my scarf clad neck, prompting me to wrap my arms around his neck.

It's a good thing he couldn't see me, not sure I'd be able to hide the blush I was currently sporting.

I'm at that point in my life where I've accepted that I'm going to turn into a tomato and a blubbering mess whenever Niall pays me the tiniest of compliments or squeezes me extra tight or holds me for a fraction too long when we hug.

"Nialler?" I said as we were pulling away.

"Yeah?" He quirked an eyebrow cutely in question, his gaze solely concentrated on my face and the words I was about to say.

I love how he can make me feel like the only girl in the world just by the way he looks at me and gives me his undivided attention whenever we're together. Like nobody else but me exists in his eyes.

"There's been a slight change of plans" I bit my lip, scratching the back of my neck.

"As in?" His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"As in, my mom's cousin just popped in last night to drop off an invitation for her wedding that's gonna be happening next week Saturday and I need to go buy a dress and shoes for said wedding."

"And you need to go today?" Disappointment was already evident in his eyes.

"Pretty much, yeah" I felt terrible for causing the expression on this beautiful boy's face.

"Well damn. I was looking forward to today" he signed dejectedly.

"Oh no no, I'm not canceling our plans love" my eyes widened, realizing what he thought was happening.

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