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Previously on 'Got Lightning in A Bottle'


"Niall please" I was ashamed of how my voice cracked on that one word. I've never been this emotional, but this boy just brings out a side of me that I don't even understand.

"I thought I made it clear that I didn't want to talk to you. You can't honestly be that dense. Can't you take a hint?"

"I -" I couldn't manage another word because an embarrassing sob was choked out of my throat at just how final that sounded.

How did we ever come to this?

x Niall x

"Wanna pull an all-nighter
And get into something we'll never forget
Wanna stay up and- "

No no!


''-weekend away and not know when to quit
Wanna drive-''

I blindly reached for my phone, patting around my side desk for a while until I was finally able to grasp it and put a stop to the noise that was disrupting my sleep.

Wretched noise!

Okay so the song is actually one of my favourites.

And no offense to the artist too. If anything I'm quite a fan of his songs. If by fan I mean I'm always willing to spend money on downloading his music from iTunes, buying merch and saving up for the day he finally has a concert in my hometown.

It's just, you know, I'm not crazy about said songs blaring a hole into my eardrum. That and the mood I'm in just makes for an even worse combination.

Or maybe I'm partially in an iffy mood because my slumber was cut short?

Meh, same difference.

When I answered my phone I wasn't even able to keep the annoyance out of my tone "What" I snapped.

Don't judge me.

"Well good morning to you too mate" an all too familiar and chirpy voice replied.


"That's what it says on my birth certificate, uh huh"

"Haha, you're so hilarious" I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see it.

Immediately however, I was hit with a bucket load of guilt and regret at how rude that sounded. Liam of all people didn't deserve that.

"I'm sorry Li," I sighed, "I may have woken up on the wrong side of the bed today."

"I understand, it's alright mate" I could almost hear his sympathetic smile. If that even makes sense. "Well seeing as you're awake, you may as well get out of bed and open up the door for me?" It sounded more like a question though.


"I'm outside, smarty" he chuckled, "and I'm halfway to freezing my nuts off"

"Crap, alright gimme a bit, mate" I replied before ending the call.

I tumbled out of bed, put on my joggers and a hoodie that had been strewn on my bedroom chair and paddled my way to the front door.

I opened the door for Liam and the speed in which he literally slid into the house, walked past me and to the couch almost gave me whiplash.

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