twenty four

70 6 2


× Zahraa ×

Walking down the isles looking for sour cream and onion Pringles, I hummed a mindless tune to myself.

Okay it wasn't a mindless tune as such. It was Independent Woman by Destiny's Child. Pfft, who says I need a boy to be complete?

Fuck them all.

Okay maybe not.

I was just getting my self a few snacks. Fine, it was two baskets full of snacks but whatever, details.

I tend to overeat when I'm miserable. If it weren't for my high metabolism, well we'd have a problem.

Niall still isn't talking to me, and I'm scared of going to his house. I mean what was I going to say?

Hey, dude, just wondering why you've been ignoring my texts and phone calls. Do you not like me anymore? I can change I promise!

Yeah, way to sound desperate and insecure, even though that wasn't far from the way I was feeling.

I was rolling down the dairy isle, looking for whipped cream, when I saw Liam and Harry.

Oh my word yes! Civilization! Maybe they'd be able to tell me what's going with Niall. I just hope he's okay.

I called out to them, smiling and walking towards them.

"Hi Liam, Harry" I smiled, waving awkwardly once I was standing in front of them.

They seemed tense, and Harry wouldn't look me in the eye.

"Guys? What's up?" I asked when I realized they weren't replying.

"You know, there was a time when I thought that Niall had finally gotten a break. That he had finally gotten a girl that wouldn't play him or use him. A girl that was in it for real. I thought you were different Zahraa" Harry shook his head, before he took off, leaving me a bit shocked and Liam biting his lip nervously.

"What was that about?" I frowned, desperately looking at Liam for an answer.

He wouldn't look at me.

"Liam? What's wrong?" My heart was beating faster at this point.

"Niall found out, Zee." I sighed, eyeing me with what could only be described as disappointment.

"Found out about what? You're not making any sense Liam"

"He found out about you and Nick okay! How could you do that to him?"

I had never, in my entire time of knowing him, heard Liam yell. So to say I was a bit scared and nervous would be an understatement.

His words caught up to me though.

"Wait Nick and I? What?"

"Please don't play dumb, Zahraa." He sighed, frowning at the ground.

"I really don't understand. What's going on? What did I do?" I was begging at this point.

"Nick sent Niall a screenshot of your conversation with him about you stringing Niall along and how you never really were into him. I'm not sure why I'm even telling you this. You obviously already know seeing as you sent the messages" he shook his head.

"Liam you've got to believe me, there's nothing going on between Nick and I. Why would I even text him? I wouldn't do that to him," I pleaded with him.

"I'm sorry Zahraa, I've got to go." He rushed out, walking around me and in the direction Harry had walked to.

"Liam wait! " I called out, albeit in vain. He had already turned the corner and quite frankly I wasn't going to make myself look like even more of a fool.

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