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"Zahraa babes! Little Zee Bee!" Shayna squealed rushing over to envelop me in a tight squeeze.

"Hii Shay," I wheezed out. This girl has got one firm grip. I'm starting to see multi coloured spots.

After some time, she let go, eyeing me up and down. 

"You've grown so much since I've last seen you! You're taller than me now! "

"Uh huh, it happens when one drinks their milk and such." I nodded.

"Didn't outgrow those knobby knees though eh?" She teased, nudging me roughly.


I regarded her carefully,  trying to find something to tease her about too, but the problem was; I couldn't find a damn thing.

The girl was literally flawless.

In terms of her appearance, that is. Her personality is a completely different story.

Her heart shaped face was framed by shoulder length brown hair that had streaks of blonde, making it look almost golden under the light radiating from the window.

Hazel meets milk chocolate brown; that was the colour of her eyes. It was such an amazing combination, a shade I had definitely never seen before. Her eyes were gorgeous. Her little button nose somehow complimented her almost delicate features and thin, rose coloured lips that seemed to be drawn into a natural pout. Like those pretty models that always look mysterious and serious in photos.

The tight black crop top she was wearing hugged her slim waist and her dark skinnies accentuated her prominent hips and legs that seemed to go on for days. And then, because all that beauty wasn't enough, she had a dimples to top it all off.

Like?! Come on!

"Looking good too Shay" I grit out. You have no idea how much it took for me to get those words out.

"I know right?" She giggled, flipping her hair. "But thank you. It's nice hearing it all the time"

"Ever the modest one" I mused, shaking my head. Some things just never change.

"Ever the sarcasm and sass queen" she countered.

I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips. "Not queen, no. Maybe princess." I smiled.

"Where did all this sass even come from?"

"Simple. I had to find a way of dealing with idiots that wouldn't end up with me getting charged with assault or even worse, animal abuse. And slapping people isn't really all that socially acceptable I think, so yeah. Turns out, words cut just as deep and are actually more effective than violence sometimes" I shrugged.

"I see" she chuckled nervously.

"I don't bite though, don't stress. Well unless provoked. "

"I'll keep that in mind. Now, want to bond over ice cream and PLL"

"You like PLL?!" I mean thinking about it, it's not that surprising. I'm pretty sure about three quarters of the earth like Pretty Little Liars. I was honestly just surprised because Shayna and I actually have something in common.

"Like?! More like I live and breath PLL!" She exclaimed.

"Same!" I was grinning at this point. Who would've thought.

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