frisky with my flesh

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A/N: So it's been years (not really, but you know what I mean) since I've updated 🙈 forgive meeee. Things have just been crazy hectic what with my final year exams and the fact that my future depends on these said exams and just urggg 😒.

I'm all finished now, and I promise I'll be updating more frequently and what not.

Also, my writing is a tad bit rusty seeing as I haven't written in so long, so this is just a text-convo filler (againnnn), at least until I get my groove back (Flipping hell I'm so lame, who even speaks like this?!) and can write in a somewhat decent manner.

Till the next time, lovelies! Enjoy. 

- Glor x

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[12/08, 21:12]

Z: Please look at the cuteness I posses 😢✨

Z: Please look at the cuteness I posses 😢✨

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Ni: Oh hello 😩✨ it's so tiny and cute !

Z: It's cuter than me✨

Ni: 👀 I think not 🤔

Z: 😶
Z: I'm flattered and offended at the same time 🙈

Ni: Offended for the little Fanta? 😂

Z: Yes and no 😂

Ni: 😂 elaborate, love

Z: Well☝
Z: I'm offended for it because it's darn cute and it's cuteness is being undermined
Z: Then I'm not offended for it because you said I'm cuter😊 and because it's a bottle and probably doesn't feel anything 🤔👀
Z: But then again I wouldn't know because I'm not a bottle🤔
Z: But what if I am one and I just don't know😶
Z: What if we're all bottles!?😧

Ni: 😂 do you have any idea how adorable you are??
Ni: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I just

Z: 🙈🙈 *shies away*

Ni: Come backkkk 😂
Ni: 😂 but really I doubt that we're bottles Zee Bee

Z: You can't be too sure James 👀

Ni: 👀 if you prick us, do we not bleed?

Z: If you prick a bottle, does it not bleed it's liquid contents?
Z: Blood is our liquid content
Z: That just convinced me that we might just be bottles 😧

Ni: 👀😂 more like it leaks, but alright
Ni: 😂😂😂 Zahraa. We're not bottles
Ni: We have legs
Ni: And arms
Ni: And sniffers
Ni: And the occassional body hairs

Z: Well you could say we leak too.
Z: They could also have legs
Z: And arms
Z: And sniffers
Z: And body/bottle hairs and we just can't see them

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