thirty five

101 6 2


🌼💫 Don't need no butterflies when you give me the whole damn zoo 💫🌼

x Niall x



"What are we gonna do about your 50 shades of evil cousin and that dumbass Nick?"

I always tried seeing the good in everyone, no matter how shitty they were, but these *insert car horn* almost tore me and my love apart. Excuse me for not being as forgiving.

"Well I haven't really thought of such to be honest. I guess I've been too distracted by my happiness and your cute face to even think about such" she blushed oh so sweetly.

"Your love for my face outweighs your deep loathing for your cousin??"

"Shhhhh" she covered her face.

"Damnit you're so cute!" I squeezed her tighter than I already was and kissed the top of her head.

"Niallllll!" She squirmed and wiggled around, but I know deep down she loved it. And besides, she was trapped in between the fortress that is my legs so she didn't have much of a choice but to bear it.

"Honestly though. Aren't you the least bit angry at what those shits did? Because Lord knows I am" I frowned.

"They're not worth it. Shayna- "

"Ohmygosh you used her name!"

"Oh hush!" She smacked me lightly, "anyway you should have heard the things that she said to me when she confessed. She sounded like someone whobhad had their heart terribly broken and wanted nothing more than to make someone else feel the same way in an effort to maybe lessen her pain. I pity her more than anything. And as for Nick. Dumb dumb Nick. He was just a piece on her twisted chess game. He wasn't even in on it surprisingly enough. I know you said he was gloating and everything when he told You, but he honestly know. He was as clueless as we are. Insanely clueless, but not sinister in any way. "

"They almost ruined us"

"Well I'd like to see it as though they made us stronger. Don'tvyou think? And made us realise things that would've taken us ages to realise."

"I guess" I mumbled.

"And for that I'm grateful. It's true that good things can come out of terrible situations"

"You're too pure for this world. You really are." I shook my head in awe.

"I'm not. I'm really not." She shook hers back.

"Are too"

"Niall James Horan-"

"Nope. You're not winning this one."

"Urggggg" she grumbled, which was her way of admitting defeat.

I smiled smugged and then went back to watching the movie while carding my fingers through her incredibly soft hair. 

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