Chapter 26: Final Goodbyes

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May 8th

10:24 am

Justin cleared his voice and spoke.

"Can you believe it? Four years ago, most of us walked into these halls as nervous as we were the first day of school.

We were the freshmen, the low men on the totem pole. Now, those same four years later, we're leaving the school behind to a whole new crowd of people, most of whom were just as nervous as we were when we arrived.

It has been a long four years and a short four years. Long because of all the drama and bad homework, the boring readings and early-morning extra credit projects, and all the other little pratfalls that hit us in high school.

Short because of the lifelong friendships, the lasting memories, and the truly interesting and amazing things we learned between the occasional bits of drudgery.

Good or bad, long or short, I will always remember this place.

I would like to thank the teachers, they spend an inhuman amount of hours at school. Most of them choosing to just to better us.

And finally I would like to thank one special person out here. We may not be on the best terms at the moment but I would like you too know you will Always have a special place in my heart. You have had a tremendous impact on my life this past year and I wouldn't change a thing that has happened. This person is my rock. And I'll admit I did a very stupid thing, I just wanted to let you know I am Truly sorry and that I chose you. Acacia Bradley I choose you. I'll always chose you. I love you so much and I won't stop loving you until the day I die. Forever and always." Justin's voice rang through the microphone and everyone stood up and applauded.

I was ecstatic. Overwhelmed with joy to say the least. Before I could actually think I felt my feet running towards Justin on the stage. I couldn't stop myself no matter how hard I tried.

My feet took me up the small set of stairs and over to Justin. I ran and jumped up onto him. He caught me and looked me in the eyes.

"I love you so much." I said grabbing his face and deeply kissing him.

My hair hung over our faces acting as a Curtain. I was only focused on him. The drowned out voices of the students still applauding and yelling in the back caused my smile to grow even wider.

I hopped down from Justin's grasp and we faced the crowed. Justin took his hand in mind and we wrapped our pinkies around each other. "Forever and always." We whispered.

"Congratulations class of 2013 we made it!"

Everyone cheered as they threw there hats in the air.

Justin tightly grabbed my face and kissed me with so much passion. Once he pulled away he whispered something I'll never forget. "You're all that matters to me."

All That Matters | JB (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now