Chapter 13: Caught in action

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Justin's pov;

"K-Kelsey?" I said frozen in my place.
Which happened to be on-top of acacia while we were currently half naked.

"What the fuck is going on?!" She yelled slamming the door behind her.

"I-uh-shit it's not what it looks like." I stuttered.

"Because you on-top of that whore practically dry fucking her isn't what it looks like?!" She screamed.

Acacia stayed quiet while I got up.

I tried to go to Kelsey and explain but she jerked away.

"How could you? You know what. Don't even answer. I'm done with you you man whore!" She said screaming with tears running down her face and running out of the house slamming the door.

I was so angry. I turned around and saw Acacia standing there only with her sweatpants on.

"You" i pointed too her.

"You did this!" I screamed at her.

"Excuse me?" She said.

"You fucked this up! This is your fault!" I screamed in her face.

"No Justin, you fucked this up! You came onto me!" She screamed back.
"How does the taste of your own medicine feel?!" She said.

"Your a stupid bitch!" I screamed as I grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Justin stop y-your hurting me." She said as I continued to roughly shake her.

"No bitch now shut up!" I said slamming her against the wall.

"J-Justin please" she cried.

I stopped and dropped her.

"Acacia?" I ask.

She was curled up in a ball on the floor whimpering now.

I dropped on my knees and pulled her into my lap. I looked on her back and dark bruises were starting too form.

"Do not ever fucking touch me again you fucking piece of shit." she said pulling away and running upstairs.

"Acacia wait!" I said calling after her.
I sighed and decided to leave her alone for a while. I picked up my pants and put them on and walked into the kitchen and got my shirt and put it on.

I sat down on the couch and closed my eyes. A few minutes later I was fast asleep.

Acacias pov:

I whimpered lightly as I tended too the cuts on my shoulders from where Justin's fingernails had dug into them.
I still didn't have a shirt on a didn't plan on putting one on considering my cuts were on my shoulders.

I was really curious too see if Justin was still downstairs or not so I quietly opened my door and walked too the railing over looking the living room. He was sound asleep on the couch.

I shook my head and tip toed down the stairs into the kitchen where I found my tank top. I placed it over my head careful not too touch any cuts and pulled it down. I looked around the kitchen and it was dirty so I started cleaning the place up.

I picked up all the dirty dishes and placed them in the sinks and whipped down all the counters. I emptied the dish washer and placed all the clean dishes into the cabinets. Once I was done with that I took all the dirty dishes from the sink and placed them into the dish washer and turned it on.

I walked in the laundry room and flicked the light on. I sighed. It was a mess. I guess mom just didn't have the time to clean it.

I started off by taking all the dirty clothes and placing them in the correct bins. Whites, colors, towels etc. I rearranged the shelf with all the detergent and what not. Then finally i swiffered the floor and walked out. I turned the light off and turned around and found Justin standing there looking at me.

"Uh excuse me" I said trying to go past him.

"Stop." He said plainly grabbing my arm.

I flinched and I could feel tears making there way too my eyes but I stood my ground.

"Justin. Let. Me. Go." I said afraid my voice was going too crack.

"Look just listen to me." He said quietly with sadness In his eyes.

"No because what if you get mad and hurt me again you ignorant little fucking asshole." I said it without even realizing what I was saying.

"I-I didn't mean it Justin." I said weakly.

"No, you meant it. I'll just be going." He said with a sad voice.

"No-Justin stop!" I said grabbing his arm.

"I'm sorry I said that." I said with apologetic eyes.

Justin's POV;

"No it's fine. I hurt you. I should be sorry." I said walking over towards her. I put my arms on her shoulders and she flinched.

"A-are you okay?" I said turning her around and realizing there were cuts there.

"D-did I do that?" I ask nervously.

She nodded her head and what I did next shocked her.

I gently kissed each of her cuts and I heard her gasp.

I turned her around and looked her deep in the eyes. I gently grabbed her face and I kissed her. This wasn't like the other rough kisses we shared. This was full of passion and love. We both gasped at the sparks it made but we still continued to kiss each other. I soon pulled away and looked at her. At that moment I realized I was falling for her.



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