Chapter 25: Graduation

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I don't know how I ended up at home or even how I ended up in my bed, all I remember is waking up sprawled across my duvet still in my dress from last night.

Considering the circumstances I was in I had slept surprisingly good. I had almost forgotten about last nights events until everything replayed in my mind.


I furiously stormed out of the hotel and down the sidewalk, standing beside the busy street trying to find a cab that would come pick me up and take me home.

"He can at least have the fucking decency to accept that he's hurt me and to not talk to me!" I mumbled to myself.

Finally after 5 or so minutes a cab slowly pulled up to the curb awaiting for me to step in.

I gave the driver my address and sat back resting my head on the seat.

The ride wasn't too long, maybe 10 minutes. Although the driver seemed to be in a hurry. Once we pulled up I threw the man a 20 and got out slamming the door behind me.

I picked up my dress and stomped inside the house where my mother just happened to be sitting in the den reading one of her Steven King novels.

"Wait why are you home so early?" My mother sat up abruptly.

"Don't want to talk about it. I'll see you in the morning." I said running up the stairs into my room. I quietly shut the door kicking my nude heels off and slamming face down onto my bed. From there I fell into a deep sleep.


I huffed and sat up straight. I knew I would have to face my mother at some point during the day. It was best just to do it now. Well after I had a shower of course.

I grabbed a pair of underwear and a bra from the top drawer of my dresser and then proceeded to go into my closet to get a pair of shorts and a casual t-shirt.

I walked into the bathroom and set my clothing onto the counter. I sat my towels to the side as I began to turn the shower on.

Once it got hot enough I stripped down and gently stepped in careful not to slip.

I got used to the water and washed my hair and body and shaved all the necessary places.

15 minutes later I was fresh out the shower staring at myself through my bathroom mirror. I plugged in my blow dryer and started to quickly dry my hair not caring how messy it turned out.

Once I was done I ran my brush through my hair and set it on the counter. I grabbed my makeup back and applied concealer to all my small blemishes. I applied a small amount of mascara and set my things to the side. I ruffled my hair a bit before I stepped into my shorts and pulled the casual short sleeve costa t-shirt over my head. I didn't bother with socks because I would probably wear flip flops the majority of the day considering on how blazing hot it is outside.

Once I was done I threw my dirty clothes and towels into my hamper and made my way downstairs. I could smell something my mother was cooking but I wasn't quite shirt what it was yet.

I entered the kitchen and my mom looked up from her food.

"Sit." She commanded pointing to the bar stool in front of her located on the Other side of the island from where she was cooking.

She passed me a glass of sweet tea and a grilled cheese sandwich with grapes and strawberries thrown on the side.

"So what happened last night Missy?" She said lowering the temperature on her own grill cheese sandwich.

"Justin just pulled a stupid ass stunt at the dance.." I trailed off rolling my eyes.

"Acacia! Language!" She laughed while smacking me with a dish towel. "Well I can tell you don't want to talk about it. So I won't push the subject any further. but whatever he did was probably stupid and immature. The boy never learns." She shook her head.

"Thank mommy, love you." I said getting up from my seat and kissing her cheek.

"So graduation is tomorrow sweetie. Are you ready?"

"Not really.." I nervously laughed.

"Well I heard that Justin was speaking. If that helps you feel better because we know he's a goofy shit so he'll mess up." My mom laughed.

"I'm just ready for summer."


May 8th

9:12 am.

"My baby is graduating in less than an hour!!!" My moms high pitch voice rang through my ears as we walked through the halls of the well known local college towards the basketball court where our graduation would be taking place.

My mother and all of my friends mothers walked behind us as My 3 best friends and I led the way to our freedom.

I checked the clock.

58 minutes until I'm officially a high school graduate. I wiggled in excitement as I bounced through the corridor. I saw my principal, Mr.shurman and vice principal, Mrs.ghestol standing by the entrance doors waiting for all the students and parents to take place inside the gigantic basketball arena. "Good morning everyone. Just follow the line and find yourself a seat. As for the students your name is in a book and where you are seated." Mr.shurman pointed to a book on a stand. "Thank you." We all nodded and proceeded into the room.

I walked over to the book and flipped through it. 15 minutes later I had finally found my name and where I was seated. All the way on the other side of the court. I could see my friends waving at me as I made my way over towards them trough the crowd which took atleast 5 minutes of 'excuse me' and 'I'm sorry' before I finally made it over too them.

"10 more minutes!!" One of my friends excitedly whispered in her seat. I sat down in seat 123, the one I was assigned to, and made sure my gown and hat were on correctly.

I saw my superintendent and principal walk onto stage and the lights lower.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, class of 2013. Here I welcome you to watch these young men and women proceed with there lives and check out of a small town high school into the big world. I would like to give a big thank you to each and every one of you. The kids and the parents. I am so overjoyed to have worked with all of you the past 4 years and to watch you grow into the people you are today. So I will present to you the class of 2013.

-15 minutes later-

"Acacia Bradley-University of California, Los Angeles." I got up as my named was being called and quickly walked to the front. Once I got up on stage I shook everyone's hand and got handed my diploma. "thank you." I said into the microphone and quietly walked down back to my seat.

-30 minutes later-

"And that was the very last person. Before I officially graduate you all without further a due I present you Justin Bieber our follow speaker for graduating class of 2013."

Oh shit.








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