Chapter 22: Heartbroken

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Acacias pov;

I was currently balled up on my couch looking at college applications. I had to choose between two school.


it was now just a matter of picking the right one that will benefit me.

I had already been accepted into both schools and the time was ticking.

I had a little under a week until I had to submit my final application so they could know I accepted.


Tick tock

Tick tock

I sighed and looked at the Hpu one.



I don't know..

I looked at the UCLA one.



I don't know..

Decisions decisions..

Graduation was in approximately a month away

Prom was 2 days before graduation.

No dress.. No date.. No idea what the hell I'm doing in the fall.

I'll be on my own.


Then it hit me.

"UCLA!! That's the one!" I screamed grabbing the papers.

It all makes perfect since!

I'll be far away but not to far so I can still see family and friends.

It's the perfect location for a nice job and it's right by the beach!

I threw the Hpu papers to the side and sat back down grabbing a pin.

I picked up the application and started filling out the 50 page packet.

-2 hours later-

I neatly sealed the letter in my hands and walked into the kitchen.

"UCLA mom." I said squealing.

"That's great sweety! I'll mail it later." She said kissing me cheek.

"Hey mom?" I quietly asked.

"Yes darling?"

Is it okay if I go out tonight. It won't be for long. I just need to talk to Justin." I said.

"Be back by 12." She said giving me a stern look.

"Yes ma'am." I said skipping out of the room.

After the incident at the restaurant Justin and I haven't spoken to each other. It's been a full week and no calls text or even talking to each other at school. Nothing. I decided to be the bigger person and try to fix things so I picked up my phone and sent Justin a quick text.

"Hey can we meet up somewhere tonight to talk..?"

I slid my phone in my sweatpants pocket and grabbed my things going upstairs into my room where I gently shut the door and set my things down.

My phone vibrated indicating I had a text back from Justin.

"Sure.. The park? East side near the pond at sunset."

He replied.

I set my phone down onto my doc and it started charging while playing a a quiet tune of Chris Browns' "Wet The Bed"

"I ain't afraid to drown, if that means I'm deep in your ocean, yeah"

I hummed as I pulled out a pair of light wash jeans.

I threw my hair into a cute messy bun and slid my jeans on fixing them in the correct areas.

I pulled a white holey knit sweater out of my closet and threw it over top of my red tank top. I grabbed my red vans out of the corner of my room and slid them on.

I decided on no makeup since it was just Justin.

I looked at the time. 6:57. The sun usually sets around 7:15 and the east side of the park is a good 5 minute walk from here.

I grabbed my phone and ran down the stairs out the door starting on my walk towards the pond.

I walked past many people walking there dogs and other taking a night jog and greeted them.

The 5 minutes was up before I knew it and the sun was starting to set.

I saw Justin looking down on the ground kicking something and I smiled.

I missed him so much.

Before I knew it my legs were carrying me to Justin as fast as possible.

"Justin!" I squealed jumping into his arms squeezing him.

He didn't squeeze back.

I let go and looked up to his face turn away.

"Justin are you okay?" I asked bringing my tiny hand up to his cheek gently stroking it.

"Acacia.." He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

He looked.. Broken. Like he was breaking up-

"No.." I said shaking my head. Tears starting to form in my eyes.

"I'm sorry.." He said pulling me into his grasp.

"Sorry for what Justin." I knew what he was sorry for but I wanted to hear it with my own ears.

"Acacia don't make me say it.." He said pulling me tighter.

"No. Say it." I said stepping out of his grip.

"We can't be together anymore.. I can't do this anymore..I'm so sorry.."






Anything ily all.

Oh Ps.

sorry for the slow updates it's getting hard too write.

This book is slowly coming to an end.

4-5 chapters left atleast.

May or May not be a Sequal not sure yet.


All That Matters | JB (EDITING)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant