Chapter 11: Bitchy as can be

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-one week later-

I was walking down the hall to 5th period.

 The period I usually dreaded most but I was quite anxious today. 

For over the past week i've needed to talk to Justin about what happened at dinner that one night.

Justin was in this class so I could finally talk to him about what happened at dinner. For some odd reason I felt highly confident today. My outfit kind of set it off since this was out it my range.

I was currently wearing a pair of high wasted skinny jeans with a creme crop top and a pair of cute fashionable heels. I had on a light smokey eye and my hair was up in a cute bun with a piece of curled hair down while I had a pair of diamond shaped earrings and dark red lipstick. And to top it off I had a cardigan that had all the right colors to throw the outfit together.

My heels clicked lightly on the ground as I walked into my civics and economics class. I was one of the firsts in so I sat in the back corner. I got everything straight when the teacher called me to the front of the room while other students started coming in.

"Ma'am?" I asked walking up too her desk.

"I have a huge favor for you." She said sitting down and pulling out a piece of paper.

"What it is?" I asked nervously.

"So today in introducing a project in this class, I've paired up everyone except a few people. You are one of them. And I was wonder if you would like to take on the challenge of working with Justin Bieber? The project won't be due until January 21st so you have quiet some time to work on it." She asked with a hopeful smile on her face.

I thought about it. This could be my chance to finally talk to him. I smirked.

"I'll gladly work with him." I said with a smile on my face while shaking her hand.

"Thank you Acacia" she said shaking back.

I turned around and everyone was seated waiting for the teacher. I walked back to my seat and sat down

"Okay class attention. Were going too be working on a project the next couple of months so I'll be passing this sheet out and it has you and your partners name on it. Once you have your partner get up and go sit by them. Then we shall begin." She said handing papers out. 

Everyone started getting up and walking around. The classroom looked a mess. 

I spotted Justin and grabbed my bag walking over to him.

"Hey partner" I smirked as I sat down.

"Shut the hell up" he groaned.

"Feels like we haven't talked lately..whys that?" I smirked.

He was eyeing me up and down with no shame. I large smirk came onto his face but he refused to respond.

"Okay so, before we begin this assignment I have a few questions of my own." I said sitting up properly folding my tiny hands together.

"Begin" he said motioning his hands.

"What was that at dinner?" I asked sternly.

"I don't know what your talking about." He smirked.

Oh Bieber two can play at this game.

I got up and leaned over into his ear placing my left hand on his upper thigh.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, and you know you enjoyed it. So tell me, What was it about." I whispered into his ear as I sat back down.

"It was nothing. I needed you to shut the fuck up about it so I had to do something." He growled.

"But you didn't have I do that! You cheated on your girlfriend for fucks sake!" I yelled/whispered.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her." He said quietly. "Besides Acacia, you liked it. I heard you moaning. I know you want more." 

"Okay Bieber I got it, I guess she's about to find out." I said standing up and grabbing my books walking away.

I looked back and Justin stood there completely shocked. I made sure he saw me as I walked over to his girlfriend and whispered in her ear while looking at Justin "Just want to let you know your boyfriend cheated on you last night." I smirked. She looked at me and laughed. "Honey I have that boy whipped, he would never cheat on me." I pulled my shirt down slightly to show her my upper chest which was full of  fading hickeys. "Think again, clearly he is interested in other things besides you." 

 I walked out of the room with confidence. I don't know why I was so bitchy lately. This wasn't me but It felt good to push someone's buttons. 

Was I being too bitchy?


Okay I need ideas for what too happen next! comment anything that you want too happen and I work it into the story! And if you want too be in the story I can do that too! Comment and vote kiddies! LOVE YALL XOXO   ALSO THE OUTFIT SHE WAS WEARING IS ON THE SIDEEEE

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