Chapter 24: Loved

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Talk Dirty by Jason Derulo blared through the speakers into the large open room with over 300 students, chaperones and teachers inside either dancing, sitting down, or awkwardly standing in the corner talking to friends or playing with the moldy looking cheese on the trays.

I was currently stationed at my table listening to an intense conversation about what type of wood is needed to create a stable chair of some sort between Evan and William. The girls were off talking to there other friends and tallying up the votes for Prom king and Queen. Justin and Cassandra were a table over chatting with some of the jocks.

I was still really curious as to why Justin showed up to my house early and I was intending to find out why tonight. Even my mother looked a little confused. I had no clue when I how I was going to approach him and i had no clue how to form the question.

Sure there could be a simple "so why were you at my house" but that sounded way to rude for my liking and i wasn't in the mood for any sort of fight tonight.

"Very nice dress Acacia" I felt a tapping on my back causing me to snap out of my thoughts. I was greeted by one of the schools jocks and potential king, the one and only John Newberry. I forced a small smile on my face and stood up. "Hello John, love the tux." I giggled as I patted his chest.

"I was wondering if you would like to dance with me." He said grabbing my hands. And on point the slow music started playing. John legends "all of me" piano/violin version softly played throughout the room creating a romantic vibe.

I hesitated before finally nodding my head and giving john the thumbs up. He pulled me to the center of the room where we slowly began to dance. I laid my head on his chest and listened to the melody of the song.

'Cause all of me

Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections'

I softly sang making sure no one heard me. Even tho I wouldn't admit it I had a slight obsession with this song which has lead to me knowing every word and getting the vocals down and on point. The song was truly beautiful.

'Give your all to me

I'll give my all to you

You're my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I'm winning'

I was suddenly interrupted by a tap on my shoulder which caused me to jerk up right and look around. I became face to face with Justin and my dancing became to a halt. This is the closest we've been in a while. "May i take Acacia for the rest of this dance?" He politely asks John.

"Sure man. Thanks Acacia." He says patting Justin on the back and giving me a slight peck on my cheek.

I gave John a soft smile and hugged him.

Justin grabs my hands and we slowly start to dance to the song. After a while I laid my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

"So John Newberry huh?" He smirked against my ear.

"He's just a friend. And he asked me to dance." I lightly shook my head."why were you at my house earlier." I had decided to just come straight out with it.

"I don't really know.. Ashley had said something about it to Cassandra and she wanted to come. I wanted to see you to and try to talk but I mean we didn't really speak..I didn't think it was that big of a deal.." He shrugged his shoulders.

"That big of a deal?" I scoffed. "Justin you can't just show up to someone's house unexpected to "talk" and you certainly can't come to MY house without MY permission." I shook my head.

"God dammit Acacia I'm sorry!" He stomped.

"Sorry for what? For basically cheating on me?! For trying to come back into my life?! For ruining my perfectly good dance with John?! For breaking my fucking heart?!" I said tears rolling down my face.

By this time we had stopped dan in and stood in the middle of the floor while the couples around us continued to dance and a few listening here and there.

"Damnit Justin! You can't just barge back into my life like nothing happened!" I whispered/yelled.

"I wasn't trying to! I was trying to work things out, to talk!"

"Well it's too fucking late! I'm tired of waiting around for you! I'm tired of being in this game where all you do it fuck around! God damnit Justin if you don't want to be with me then tell me! Don't keep my hanging!" I started yelling now.

"Acacia I don't know what I want!" Justin groaned.

"Well you obviously don't fucking want me! Because if you did we wouldn't be in this position right now! We would be together and happy or trying to work things out!"

"It's not that simple Acacia" Justin whisper yelled.

"I'm so fucking done with you shit." I said turning on my heal about to walk away before Justin caught my tiny arm with his hand.

"So 8 months throw away just like that?" He pleaded.

I grabbed my hand and gave him the meanest look I could possibly give anyone

"It was throw away the minute you decided to cheat on me." My look stayed as I continued to talk. "I'm not going to wait around Justin. Not for you to decide who's more important. I loved you. Too much for my own good sometimes. I just can't do this anymore." Tears started rolling down my face.

"You loved me?" He questioned.

"I loved you."




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