Chapter 3

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Acacia's P.O.V

I sat quietly in class in the second row while I watched my history teacher finish explaining what were going to be doing for the next semester. Everyone around him was either talking, playing on their phones or goofing off. It's a shame that no one has any interest in education anymore. I felt really bad for the teacher. He looked like he was trying his hardest but it just wasn't working.

A yawn escaped my mouth and I looked up at the clock. I counted down the seconds. 3...2...1 *DING DING DING*. A loud bell filled the room and all the way down the hallways. I quickly got up and made my way out the classroom to put away my books for the day. My locker was just around the corner so it didnt take me that long to get there.

I neatly put my books into the locker, looking in the small mirror I had hanging on the side. I made sure I looked okay before quietly shutting the locker and making sure it was locked.

I didn't need anything since my last period was lunch. The halls were busy as I walked to the cafeteria. One thing I noticed was that the cafeteria was even busier and the lines to get good food were ridiculously long. As I approached the back of the line I thought about just going home and eating from now on. Then I thought a little more and it was not a good idea because I would actually have to make food and that is a no go for me. No one was really paying attention to the line moving so I quietly cut a few people to make the time standing in line go by a little faster. The menu was pretty bland today. Burgers, fries, fruit, veggies, the typical high school lunch. I opted for a small salad and a side of fruit with a coke. I wasn't feeling very hungry today for some reason.

As I exited the lien, I looked around for my usual lunch buddy Sarah. She was not spotted anywhere so I just decided to take a seat at an empty lunch table. Eating by myself wouldn't be so bad. As I opened my salad and started to eat, I was thinking about all of my classes and the workload I would be experiencing this year. It shouldn't be too bad, considering the classes I'm taking aren't terribly hard. But then again, everyone knows I am a terrible procrastinator and I wait until the last second to get everything done. I decided to check my phone to see if anyone had texted me. Twenty minutes ago Sarah texted and told me she wasn't coming to lunch today because she had a few things to take care of with her classes.

As I was putting my phone down I just happened to look up and spot the one person I didn't want to see.
The infamous Justin and his "crew" walking over towards me making direct eye contact. I was really not in the mood to deal with them so I started collect my food and bag and get up. Justin hurried over even faster.

"Wait shawty, sit back down I got something to say."

I gagged in my mouth.

"Im sure whatever you have to say isnt quite as important as my lunch." I mumbled under my breathe.

"Excuse me?" Justin said with an attitude.

"Nothing, now what do you want. You're interrupting me and quite frankly I would like you go to away."

"I mean damn, I had something important to say but that smart ass little mouth of yours made me forget."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "What do you want from me?"

"Tonight, theres a party at my crib. You in?" He asked.

"Why would i want to go to a lame ass party, especially your lame as party?" I laughed. My hands started sweating and I started getting nervous. This definitely wasn't like me, especially towards him. Why would he even want me at his party? I'm a nobody.

"It wont be lame. Look just come. loosen up. Your friend Sarah will be there. It will be fun I promise." He said with a small smirk on his face.

I think he convinced me. I mean come on he was giving me that cute puppy dog smile. Wait Acacia stop thinking like that.

"I'll have to think about it, what's your address?" I kept a stone cold face, not giving him any hints that he had actually got to me.

"Hand me your phone, i'll text you the address but it starts at 10." He said grabbing my phone. "Here I put my number in your phone so you know who texted you when i do. Whats your number?" He asked nicely.

I gave it to him and started to get up, but before saying an incredibly smart ass comment that made me want to rethink the entire thing.

"Oh and Acacia, dress sexy." He winked at me.

"No promises I'll even be there Bieber, you'll get lucky if you see me." A small smile escaped my lips as I got up and stared to clean my trash up.

As I threw my trash away, I decided to just look behind me and low and behold Justin had a dead stare on my ass. I knew I had caught him because he turned in embarrassment. It was probably the first time I had ever seen him get embarrassed before. It was actually kind of cute.

Walking through the halls, knowing my day was done, I couldn't help but think about this party. Was it worth going to? Do I really want to put myself through this? I couldn't believe I was even thinking about going in the first place.

By the time I had walked out of the door I had made up my mind. I was going to the party and I am making damn sure I'm gonna look sexy as hell.

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