Chapter 4

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Acacia's P.O.V

It was now currently 8:00 at night and the party started at 10.

After I had left school, the day pretty much dragged on, anticipating the events that were to happen later that night. I definitely had butterflies in my stomach, this was not normally something that I would do. I am definitely going out of my comfort zone but it's my senior year and I'm tired of sitting in the shadows barely recognizable.

As I was sitting on my bed with all of my homework surrounding me, I had realized that it most likely wasn't all going to get done tonight. I had been trying to do it for hours, I just couldn't concentrate. I was thinking so hard on what to wear and how to not be awkward. One of my many talents unfortunately.

My parents had no idea I was going out tonight and I had planned to keep it that way. It wasn't that they didn't trust me, it was just that they weren't all for drinking and parties plus I was going to most likely be out super late. I decided to head downstairs and make it look like I was going to bed to throw them off.

As I made my way out of my bedroom and down the stairs, I stared at all of the family pictures on my wall. Years of trust had been built up between our family. I was one to always be honest with my parents and to never lie, so I felt extremely terrible lying to them.

I walked into the kitchen where my father was washing the dinner dishes and my mother was putting the rest of dinner away. "Hey sweetie," my mother smiled. I yawned as I grabbed a cup of water out of the refrigerator. "Hey mom and dad, I'm really not feeling to good, I think I'm going to go to bed early so I can get a fresh start on the day tomorrow." I smiled lightly hoping that they would believe my little white lie.

"Just make sure your homework is done." A small chuckle escaped my fathers lips and the words flew out of his mouth. They knew I always had my homework done on time so the sarcasm was real. "What? Me? Never!" I fake laughed. Both of my parents laughed together and kissed me goodnight as I made my way back upstairs and made sure to lock my door once I quietly shut it.

I wasn't completely sure what I was going to wear yet, although I knew it had to be sexy. I was dressing to impress, although I wasn't particularly sure who I was impressing I knew damn well in the back of my head it was all for Justin.

I went into my adjacent bathroom and decided that I was going to give myself some voluminous loose curls.

Hey what can I say, they look good on me.

Once I was done with my hair, I decided to go sit down at my makeup desk and rummage through some things. For a girl who was very organized in school, my damn life at home was definitely a mess. My makeup desk definitely being the epitome of it all. After sorting through some makeup, I settled with my normal face routine and a light pink blended eyeshadow with a light nude lipstick to do the trick. It was simple yet sleek and made my eyes pop all the more. After setting it with setting spray and making sure it all looked okay, I looked over to my closet.

A small sigh escaped my lips. I had the absolute perfect dress for the occasion, I was just too scared to wear it. Going to this party is definitely out of my comfort zone, but this dress, oh boy it was ten miles out of my comfort zone.

After skimming through my closet looking at all the dresses, I thought about what Justin said. Dress sexy  is all I heard in the back of my head. My self esteem was also getting to me. I didn't want this particular dress to put me out there to the point of embarrassment but I also knew it was the only thing to get me noticed. Finally decided to do it. I pulled out the sleek black dress from the back of my closet. It was long sleeve, with the front and back all black velvet while the sides of the dress as well as the sides of the arms, a completely see-through polka-dotted mesh. And damn if it didn't look good on the hanger.

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