Chapter 16: Night Out

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Acacia's pov;

I ran.

I ran out of the house and down the sidewalk. I was tempted to walk home but I knew I needed to take my car home.

I was seconds away from breaking down and I could barely feel my legs. And they were capable of holding me up at the moment.

I collapsed on my knees and started crying.

Why you ask?

I don't really know.

I cried. Sat there and cried.

It felt like it had been hours since I had broke down and started crying before I heard a familiar voice coming towards me.

Justin's pov;

"Shit" I rasped as I saw Acacia in the driveway on her knees crying.

"Acacia are you okay?" I asked as I heard her sob.


I ran towards her and knelt down.

I engulfed her in a hug and she sat in my lap and cried as I wrapped my arms tightly around her fragile body trying too give her some sense of comfort.

I mean I know I said some really harsh things but I was pissed..

It still gave me no right.

Truth is.

I honestly really liked Acacia. But I was to afraid to admit it. I had never been in a serious relationship. Even Kelsey wasn't a serious relationship.

It was always about the sex or just a person to claim as mine.

But I had true feelings for Acacia and I was scared.

Scared of a commitment. I had hurt people in the past and I didn't want to fuck up the one truly good thing in my life.

I know she's mad about walking in on Kelsey and I.

Mad wouldn't describe her..

More like furious.

I would be too.

When she told me there wasn't anything between us it hurt like hell. Like she had stabbed me in my heart.

She and I both know we had something.


But you fucked up Justin.

Just like you always do.

Man whore.

Screw up.

The voices in my head just kept coming back saying all these negative things and I knew it was my fault.

I messed this up.

It was my fault.

after a few minutes of silence I decided too break it.

I hasn't realized I was crying as well
until I spoke.

"I'm so so so sorry." I sobbed into her.

"Here baby girl, let's get you into your car." I said picking her up bridal style and walking over too her car.

She was still heavily sobbing into my chest so I took the keys from her hands and unlocked the door.

I opened the passenger door and sat Acacia down in it while she still continuously sobbed.

I opened the trunk and laid the back seats down so there would be enough room for us to lay down.

Neither of us were capable of driving anywhere.

I had found a couple spare blankets and pillows and laid them down creating a comfortable bed.

I went to the front of the car and picked acacia up as she quietly sat there.

I brought her around the back and gently sat her in and crawled next too her. I threw off my shoes and took hers off as well and got comfortable before closing the trunk.

"Here come here." I whispered as I pulled Acacia into my arms.

"Are you okay?" I asked quietly.

"No.." She trailed off.

"Shhhh." I stroked her hair as she cuddled into my chest. "Go to sleep Acacia." I whispered before we both fell into a deep sleep.


Acacias pov;

My eyes fluttered open and I saw the sun beaming down on my face. I went to roll over but I hit someone's chest and they groaned.

"What are you doing Acacia?" Justin asked.

Then it hit me. What actually happened last night.


"What are you doing in here." I said in a pissed tone.

"Sleeping obviously.. Are you okay?" He asked sitting up.

"Well yeah I WAS okay. Until I remembered what actually happened last night. Get out of my car." I growled.

Justin held his hands up in defense as he opened the trunk from the inside.
"I was just trying to help." He scoffed.

"Yeah well your help isn't needed by me." I said getting out after him and slamming the trunk shut.

I looked him dead in the eyes.

"Don't ever talk to me again." I said as I got into my car and locked the doors.


Sorry for not updating. I've been busy and I haven't had the best week/weekend. Love y'all.

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