World Tour 2

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was laying lazily on Alfred's couch, I was playing Grand Theft Auto 2 while listening to Alfred worry over the upcoming meeting.

"What if we lose him on the way?  What if Russia tries to take him? What if he gets hit by a car?" Alfred said pacing back and forth pulling his hair. I sighed and paused the game. This is the time to Alfred really needs some cuddles. When he walked by me again I grabbed his hand and positioned him so he was leaning against my chest with my chin resting on his head.

"Alf, I promise nothing will happen while D.C. is at the World Meeting with us, and if something does happen we'll get through it together" I smiled gently at him, I felt him relax and nuzzle into me more.

"Now, let's play some video games!" I grinned. Alfred cheered and grabbed the other controller.


I was adjusting my long jacket waiting for D.C. and Alfred in the back yard that looked more like 3 football fields smashed together. My plane was next to me waiting for take off. I saw two figures coming towards me, one was skipping while the other was trying to look professional adjusting his suit here and there and holding a brief case. I'm sure you can guess which is which. My boyfriend hopped in his usual spot on my plane and I helped D.C. get on without scuffing his suit and handing him his brief case. I smiled and turned on the engine, enjoying the hum it made as we carefully moved down the lawn and into the air.

I gave a whoop and pumped my fist in the air while Alfred laughed his hero laugh and D.C. just smiled small at us.

"Isn't this great!" I yelled over the wind whipping all around us.

"This is totally awesome!" Alfred yelled back and we whooped again.

"You okay back there, D.C.?" Alfred yelled at his son, D.C. gave a thumbs up.


It's been about 30 minutes, I start to see the land known as Japan, where the meeting is being held. I flip a few switches and we slowly start to descend.

"Landing in 4 minutes!" I yell to the father and son. As we neared the ground, I gently but firmly lift up the control and use the wind to my advantage. We bumped and hit the ground but eventually came to a smooth stop.

Alfred hopped out to show his ID while I helped D.C. climb out. The guards let us through and we walked through the busy city known as Tokyo getting strange looks from people for our attire. We stopped in front of the meeting doors where we could already hear arguing and various things breaking.


"Hey, it's okay, it's always like this, except your dad is the one that always causes it!" I said snickering.

"Hey!" Alfred yelled indignantly. D.C. seemed to calm down and nodded fixing his glasses.

"Aww! Your so cute!" Alfred cooed at the capital who scowled. I had to admit he looked pretty adorable.

"Hey Alfred! He looks like a younger version of you!" I laughed, they glared at me

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"Hey Alfred! He looks like a younger version of you!" I laughed, they glared at me.

"Ha! You even have the same glare!" Apparently, that was the last straw, they started chasing me all over the building until we were back up at the door of the meeting and called it a truce.

I pushed open the door and let the two in before closing it behind myself. Alfred took his seat and I motioned for D.C. to follow me. He sat in the seat next to me and took off his usual sunglasses revealing his sharp blue eyes that made some people flinch. Everyone was staring at D.C., he didn't seem that bothered. I looked over and saw a mountain of luggage in the corner, probably the stuff people packed for the first stop on the World Tour, Washington D.C.

"Before we start, does anyone have any questions for Washington D.C.?" Germany asked looking around.

Italy raised his hand.

"Yes, Italy?" D.C. asked.

"Ve~! You look a lot like America!"

D.C. raised an eyebrow "I would certainly hope so"

Hungary raised her hand with a mischievous glint in her eyes. D.C. nodded at her.

"Do you ever see Alfred and (Y/N) making out?" She asked squealing while Japan was trying to contain his inner fangirl.

D.C. looked at us and smirked when Alfred made a swiping motion across his throat in a 'Stop' gesture.

"Yes, it's like living with a hormonal teenage girl and her boyfriend who always seems to be shirtless" I blushed while Alfred had a more dramatic reaction, in another words he hid under the table.

"Hey, it wasn't my fault Cali and Ginny* snuck up on me in the shower and stole all my shirts! I was forced to wear one of Alfred's but it was to tight and got tore up!" I felt my face get hot when I heard some of the countries stifle their laughter.

"Oh, I remember that, you ended up getting mobbed by the girls until you were able to get your coat on" D.C. said, that just enabled more snickers. Even Germany and England were coughing to cover their obvious laughter.

"Can we just start the meeting?" Alfred quietly from under the table.

"Never thought I would hear that from you" I said.


D.C. walked up to the podium "Okay, I have some rules while your in my territory. First, No weapons. Second, No fighting. Third, If I think any of you are a danger to the civilians, the country, or anything else, you will be sent back to your own country. Fourth, No nonsense, you are there to learn more about American cultures, not to goof off. Fifth, No wandering away from the group when we are on a tour, I don't feel like having to look for you, you are welcome to explore on your own later, just make sure to be back at the hotel so we don't have to tell your boss that your missing. That is all." D.C. stated calmly and sat down. Germany nodded already taking a liking to the his 'No nonsense attitude'.

"Any other questions for D.C. before we board the plane?" Germany asked.

Japan raised his hand "Yes, Japan?"

Hungary decided to ask his question for him "Do you have any pictures of Alfred and (Y/N) doing anything remotely yaoi?"

D.C. tapped his chin "Well, I have many pictures of dad for blackmail, but I don't think I have anything of that variety" Hungary and Japan slumped "But, I do know someone who does" They perked up again "If you ever get the chance, ask my sisters California and South Carolina" I saw Alfred gulp from the corner of my eye.


While Alfred and I were waiting in my plane, D.C. was making sure everyone got on the plane and that no one was missing.

We waited about 20 minutes because of Prussia's complaints about not having alcohol on the plane.

As soon as D.C. was buckled in, we took off into the sky with the other's plane following behind us.

3rd POV

The countries were looking in awe at how happy (Y/N) seemed as he flew in his fighter plane. Alfred was laughing behind him as D.C. just looked at them with a small smile.

*Ginny and Cali = Virginia and California

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