April Fools!

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The meeting room was in chaos- well more than it usually was. The countries were dressed in embarrassing outfits. Why? You may ask, well that's a funny story! Now let us start from the beginning........

Alfred's POV

I woke up and yawned it was Thursday so I had another meetin' to go to. I grinned and jumped up, I brushed my teeth and hair, got dressed in my usual outfit and skipped downstairs to eat Breakfast: the most important meal of the day! I plopped myself in a chair and played on my phone while Louisiana and Alabama we're busy in the kitchen. Out of the corner of my eye I saw some other states come down still in their PJs.

Delaware came in with the mail and handed it out to everyone. California got one, probably from that movie audition she tried out for. Texas got a magazine because he has a subscription to 'Highlights' and finally one for me. I groaned, thinking it was another letter from Bossman to get my paperwork done.

I opened the package and a picture fell out. I tilted my head in confusion and picked it up. I gasped and blushed bright red. It was me. When I was sleeping with a bear onesie on!? How did they get a picture of that!? 

I quickly hid the picture from the states and opened the letter.

Dear Alfred,

You may be wondering 'What the h*ll is going on?' Well! The answer to your question is simple! I'm blackmailing you. Where the outfit inside the box to the next World Meeting, don't wear a shirt with it! If you don't, then i'll post this all over the internet and send a copy to all the countries!

From, Really? You think I would tell you who I am?

My eye widen in disbelief, I quickly grab the box and ran to my room. I slammed the door shut and locked it. I slowly walked over to my bed and sat the box on it. I sat on the floor and stared at it for a good few minutes before I got up and took a deep breath and shoved open the box. I pulled out the outfit and blushed hard.

I decided to see how ridiculous I looked in it and threw off my normal clothes and pulled on the new ones. I feel so exposed! I looked into the mirror.

"Well I'm going to be the laughing stock of the world!" I sighed

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Well I'm going to be the laughing stock of the world!" I sighed.


3rd POV

France and England were standing at the agreed meeting spot waiting for the others.

"So work that magic of yours and make it happen!" France shouted.

A dark aura surrounded England "So you want me to make you small eh?"

France cringed back "You naughty wizard boy!"

In the background you could hear France's tortured screams "Get ready to be wee!" England voice thundered.

"Give me that picture you tiny pervert!"

Hetalia America x Male ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora