(Y/N)'s Mask?

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(Y/N)'s POV

I drowsily opened my eyes and groaned. I looked around and saw that me and Alfred we're still in the movie room from the night before. I looked down and saw that Alfred was fast asleep on my broad chest. I felt him shift and I froze and the realization that I never pulled out. Alfred's eyes opened and he groaned sitting up. He stood up and gently pulled my manhood out.

I stood up to stretch but instantly winced when I felt a dull ache on my hips. I looked down and gaped, there were bruises all over my waist and hips.

I looked over at Alfred who grinned sheepishly "Sorry dude! I guess the hero was a little rough!" I glared at him while he laughed. He stood up to grab his boxers when he winced to and sat back down, I grinned remembering "Something wrong Alfred?" I asked innocently "Dude! Did you have to go that fast and rough!" He glared "Your the one that telling me 'Oh (Y/N) go faster!' while I told you that couldn't go any faster than I was and then you started riding me!" I said waving my arms around "Touche".


Luckily we remembered the meeting scheduled in Japan and we were able to get dressed and eat breakfast before we hopped on the plane. We ran into the meeting room and quickly took seats just as Germany called our names. "Here!" We chorused I sat down and winced from the bruises on my hips. I saw Alfred smirk at me from the corner of my eye, he sat down and whimpered because of how sore he was, now it was my turn to smirk.

Some countries seemed to notice our distress and decided to make it vocal.

"Comrade (Y/N) you are okay da?"

"America-san arr you rokay?" Germany stopped talking and looked at the American with slight concern etched on his face. Alfred glared at me, I just looked away and whistled innocently. Alfred blushed and turned back to the countries with a nervous grin on his face.

"U-Uh Totally dude!"

I sniggered, Germany turned his attention to me "I'd somesing funny?" I straightened up "Nope!".


It was lunch time and I was piling food on a plate for my bae when France walked up to me "(Y/N) mon cheri why do wear a mask?" It went quiet. I looked down "I don't know if I can answer that myself" Alfred ran over to me "(Y/N)! It's okay! You can show if you want, just don't feel pressured into anything!" I thought about while the countries gathered around and watched on like it was some sort of soap opera. I looked up and smiled "I think it's about time I showed you guys" I have Alfred his plate and gently started undoing my mask. I slipped it off and looked up hearing many gasps from around me. I waved to them as they gaped, Hungary walked up to me and started touching my face "His skin is so soft!".

"Look at his eyes! They're beautiful!"

"Wait a minute, you have a cowlick!?" That last one made everyone go quiet and peer up at my head and sure enough my cowlick stood proudly.

"Does you name yours too?"

I smiled at the question "Yep! Her name is Terra!" Alfred hugged me from around the waist "Yep! We're cowlick buddies!" I smiled a small smile.

We all took our places to start the next half of the meeting. I put my mask despite the countries protests against it. As soon as Germany resumed his boring speech I slumped against my chair trying my best to concentrate, I grinned as I got and idea I sneakily reached over and located Nantucket and started rubbing him discreetly, Alfred clamped a hand over his mouth and blushed. He didn't tell me to stop so he must be enjoying it. I slipped off my mask again much to the other countries approval. After they turned their attention back to Germany I leaned my face close to Alfred's and started rubbing my cowlick against his. He seemed to enjoy this greatly but we had to stop when it was America's turn to present.

When he was finished he plopped back in his seat and moved his chair closer to mine and continued in rubbing the pieces of hair together. I couldn't take it anymore and pulled Alfred into my lap and started making out with him as Nantucket and Terra continued to wrestle. I knew some countries we're watching including Japan and Hungary who were recording us which was weird but understandable.

We pulled away once we both felt satisfied and Alfred moved back to his seat and we then proceeded to listen to the rest of the meeting no matter how much we wanted to jump each other's bones.


We flew back to Alfred's place and proceeded in eating dinner with the states.

"Hey (Y/N) next time you and dad decide to get frisky could you try to be more quiet or get sound proof walls? My room shares a wall with your room" I just nodded while Alfred avoided eye contact with anyone.

Me and Alfred decided to play Truth or Dare. In his room of course.

"Truth or Dare?" I asked

"Dare! The hero is never afraid!"

"We'll see about that. Anyways I dare you to let me rub Nantucket and if you come you have to sit in it until we go to sleep!" He looked scared then grinned. "The hero doesn't back down!" I scooted closer to him and reached my hand up and started rubbing. He immediately dropped to the floor. I didn't stop though I proceeded to lick and kiss the piece of hair. He covered his mouth and whimpered, I leaned down and licked the shell of his ear "Funny how easily the hero went down all because of a little piece of hair~" I yanked it gently but firmly. He moaned loudly and it was then I noticed the wet patch on his pants. He squirmed in discomfort of the sticky liquid sloshing around in his boxers. He glared at me as I stifled my laughter.

"Truth or Dare" He asked crossing his arms.

"Truth" I knew better than to pick Dare since he looked like he wanted revenge.

"What's your erogenous zone?" I paled, I scratched the back of my neck "U-Um my cowlick" He jumped on me and pinned my arms down "Beg for mercy and this doesn't have to happen" He grinned maliciously.

"A hero never backs down"

"Smart answer"

Using inhuman strength he pinned my wrists down with one hand and started rubbing the hairs around my cowlick but never touching the wayward hair. That made me more nervous thinking about when he was going to start the torture. After what seemed like an eternity his finger gently brushed against my cowlick and I felt and shock of pleasure run up my spine and throughout my being.

"Hmmmmm" He pondered "Sensitive~" He settled on.

Using the adrenaline to my advantage I overpowered him and threw him on the bed. And let's just say that Terra and Nantucket got to know each other a lot better and became a couple of their own that night.

Hetalia America x Male ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat