Chibi America!?

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Alfred's POV

I was following Tony to his lab because he said he wanted to show me something. He walked up to one of his machine thingies and pressed some colorful buttons, I was too busy eating my burger to notice him walking behind me, but by the time I did "Hey Tony what are-" He pushed me into the machine and it shut behind me. I heard some whirring noise and it all went black.

3rd POV

The Allies haven't heard from America in a while so they decided to go to his Virginian mansion to make sure he's okay. England rang the doorbell which played the American Anthem. They heard shuffling before a grey creature with red eyes and a boy with a cheese hat answered "This better be important! I'm missing the game between Michigan State and Arizona University and I made a bet with Arizona that my peeps would win!"

"Um, We haven't heard from America for a while, could we talk to him please?" England asked politely as always.

"Yeah sure, come on in and follow Tony, he always seems to know where dad is" The boy replied, the alien made some gurgling noises and motion to follow him. The countries complied and allowed the alien to lead them.

The alien stopped in front of a door that was made of metal.

"Wait *gurgle* here *gurgle* limey" He directed the last part at England who scowled at him. The alien disappeared behind the door and re-emerged with a chibi England knew all to well.



England was holding little America while stand outside the door. Apparently little America recognized England and latched himself onto his brother's leg and refused to let go.

England took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

"England? What's with the kid?" Romania asked. Everything went quiet and they all look at the Brit with a child clinging to his leg.

"It's........ America" Everyone started shouting out questions until Germany's loud voice boomed. 

"SHUT ZHE H*LL UP?!" They stopped talking and looked at little America, who was shaking from all the noise and yelling.

"Hey, hey, it's okay" (Y/N) stepped out from the crowd and kneeled down to his now miniature boyfriend "It's okay their just being silly!" (Y/N) wiped away chibi Alfred's tears and smiled through his mask. Little America was frozen staring at the man in front of him.

Little America's POV

I stared at the big man in front of me. He's cute! He smiled at me and I felt my face get hot. I walked up towards him and quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek before running behind England's leg giggling to myself. I heard a few people aw'ing and peeked out to see a man with long blonde hair speak. 

"Ohonhonhon~ looks like someone has a crush~" He winked at me. He has a weird laugh.

The cute man just smiled at me again and pulled out a lollipop.

"Hey, I brought this for my boyfriend, but I don't think he would mind if I gave it to you!" The adults laughed like they knew something I didn't.

(Y/N)'s POV

My little boyfriend looked at the lollipop with starry eyes and took it from me. He then unwrapped it and made a cute noise when he put it in his mouth. He latched himself onto my arm and it seemed like he wouldn't be letting go any time soon.

"Thank goodness! I was loosing feeling in my leg!" England exclaimed.

"Ha! Yeah, Alf does this to me all the time so I've gotten used to it!" I laughed.

Hetalia America x Male Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن