Pranks and Kissing

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Okay let's starts with California!" "Oh I got it how about we swap her phone with a new one but it's the same model so she thinks that all of her apps and contacts got deleted!" "That's freakin' brilliant!" So we did just that we snuck into California's room and took her phone since she was busy having a spa day with South Carolina and Virginia. We took off her cat phone case and slipped it onto the  new phone and left where we found and took her original phone. "Okay how about we do Texas!" I said "Totally dude how about we take his cowboy hat!" "How will we do that? He literally never let's that thing out of his sight!" "Well he's taking a nap right now so we swap his hat for a paper maché one!" "Yes!" We snuck into Texa's room and sure enough he was snoozing away. We swapped his hat for the one we made. We quietly made our way out and ran away snickering. "Okay my turn to pick........... New York!" Alfred exclaimed "Oh! I got an idea we take his mixtape from his boom box and put in........" I say whispering the last part to him. We once again sneak into our victim's room and located his boom box and removed his mixtape and put in 'Best of 2014 Lullabies'. We did this until 4:00 pm pranking each state and headed towards the kitchen for dinner only to find a bunch of angry states "THERE THEY ARE!" Virginia yelled when she saw us. We ran screaming for our lives and yanked open the front door only to find the rest of the Allies and Axis at the door "What are you dudes doin here!? Nevermind we gotta run!" He said and pushed through the other countries while pulling me along and we heard gasps of shock when the countries saw the 50 states "Shit that's right they didn't know about the states!" Alfred said whacking himself on the head "We don't have time for that we have to go now! Hop on!" I say jumping into my plane "We can lay low in the stables until the until the heat dues down!" Alfred said and jumped into the back seat. We pretended to fly away so they wouldn't suspect we were hiding somewhere on the property hearing threats from the​ states.

3rd POV

The states yelled death threats at the departing plane "Um vhat is going on here?" Germany asked "Those SOB's pranked us!" "Ve~ who-a are you-a though?" Italy questioned "We're America's 50 states partners" Alabama piped up "WHAT!?" "Y'all dogs are the countries right?" New York questioned, England cringed at the way he spoke "Yes dat is us, become one with Mother Russia da?" Russia spoke with his pipe slung over his shoulder, Alaska came out to the front of the group and walked up to Russia "Da, you become one with Alaska da?" She spoke "Da" Russia replied with a spine chilling smile one which Alaska returned making her siblings shiver. "R-Right anyways what're you doing here?" Ohio asked "Ve vanted to ask Alfred if he vould host de next meeting" Germany said with nods of agreement from the others "Oh well as you can see he's not here at the moment" Indiana deadpanned "Would you like to come in?" Maine asked "Sure Mon ami~" "That's the first thing you've said today that wasn't perverted" England said with a smirk "SHUT UP YOU BLACK SHEEP OF EUROPE!?" France yelled "BLOODY FROG YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE!" England yelled back while the other countries sighed and the states found it amusing "Do they like do this like all the time?" California asked "Unfortunately yes" Japan answered back quietly, suddenly all was quiet when the states eyes landed on someone very close to them "UNCLE MATTIE!" They yelled and tackled the Canadian to the ground "Hi guys!" He answered back louder than usual for him "It's been forever since we've seen you!" Louisiana said "Canada you know them?!" France yelled "Yes........" He trailed off.

(Y/N)'s POV 

Me and Al we're hiding in the stables on his property so while he was petting his horse I was keeping a look out for anyone "Hey Al?" "Yeah" "I'm bored." "Hmmm want to play Truth or Dare!" "Let's do it!" Al opened his phone and started the app, he chose dare because he said and I quote 'The hero is not afraid of anything!' and when it was done loading it said 'Make out with the person across from you' and sure enough here I was blushing through my mask sitting across from Al "U-Um we d-don't have to!" Alfred said frantically "But that would be cheating! Oh there has to be a loop hole through this!" I said and wracked my head "Well......... maybe I don't want a loop hole" Alfred said unusually quiet, I froze "Wh-what" "You heard me" Alfred said and started crawling towards me, he straddled me and pinned my wrists down and brought his face close to mine "A-are you sure Al?" I say quietly "Yes" He says back looking me in the eye with want and desire swirling in his sky blue orbs and with that our lips connected.

3rd POV

"So will you guys help us find Dad and Pops?" Tennessee asked "Pops?" Prussia asked "We all know that Dad and (Y/N) are more than just 'bros' as Dad says it and (Y/N) visits us so much and hangs with us but America is already our Dad so we call (Y/N) Pops without him or Dad knowing!" Illinois said cheerfully




"What's so funny?"

Alfred's POV

'OMG I'm kissing my best bro and crush!' I thought to myself '(Y/N)'s lips are so soft and warm~!' I pull away panting as is (Y/N) "Wow! That was...... Wow!" I smirked at his reaction "Alfred I just realized that I like you, not just because you're a good kisser but that's just a bonus, do you want to be my boyfriend?" "Yes!" I didn't realize that I let go of his wrists and I only realized this when I felt something squeeze butt, it was my turn to blush "Hm that's what you look like when you blush!" He said like a kid in a candy store, we both stood up and fixed ourselves up to avoid suspicion. I then decided to get my revenge, so I slapped my new boyfriend's perfect bubble butt. He yelped and covered his rear end and glared at me with a red face while I laughed. I was taken by surprise when he tackled me onto the hay and started another make out session, I fisted my hands in his hair and ran my tongue across his bottom lip, he seemed shocked by my action giving me the chance to slip my tongue in and engage his tongue in a wrestle "OH MY GOD!?" We both immediately snapped our heads towards the door of the stables only to see............

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