Doctor's Visit

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Alfred's POV

I hiding in my closet from (Y/N) and the states. Why? You may ask, well it's something horrifying.

"Cmon Alfie! It's just the doctor! It won't be that bad!" I heard my bae yell out.

"Yes it will!" I slapped a hand over my mouth. I heard footsteps come close to my spot and buried myself under all the clothes in the corner.

"Alfred.........Alfred where are you?" I heard bae and a few of my states enter my huge closet and start digging through random piles of clothes and looking behind the many clothes hung up.

"Daddy! Cmon you make us go to the doctor so we don't feel bad!" I heard Hawaii reason and I had to keep myself from aw'ing at her.

"Yeah! It's for yer own good!" I heard Texas say.

"Alfie! If you come out I'll do that thing you wanted!" I thought about it. Is risking my life worth seeing (Y/N) pole dance with a police uniform on? I thought about that scenario and grinned. Yes. Yes it is.

"I'm here! Let's go!" I grabbed my bae and dragged him to the car.


Me and (Y/N) were waiting in the waiting room surrounded by a bunch really sick looking people, and not sick in a cool way.

"Alfie stop fidgeting, it'll be okay, it's just a check-up" I heard my bae's soothing voice.

"Alfred Jones?"

I jumped when I heard my name being called out. I clung to (Y/N) as he slowly walked us over to the nurse. She smiled at me.

"Hey, it's okay, this is only a check-up, if we have to do anything other then a check-up then we'll schedule that for another time" I felt a little reassured at her words.

She led us down a hall that just seemed to go on forever. We stopped in front of a door she tapped a button on the side and opened the door for us. I turned around and ran. I almost made it back to the waiting room until I felt something on top of me.

"Nice try Alfred!" (Y/N) threw me over his shoulder and marched back down the hallway.

(Y/N)'s POV

I sat Alfred down on the examination table and gave him a look that said 'If you move from that spot then no sex for a month'.

"I'm so sorry about him" I apologized to the nurse. She smiled.

"It's okay! This isn't the first time this has happened" I smiled back and she shut the door quietly. I turned back Alfred who was shaking under my gaze. I sighed.

"Alfred, there are people here because they have cancer or diabetes, aren't you glad that you don't have to go through that? All you have to do is keep still while the doctor checks your ears and throat". He looked up and saw me smiling.

"That doesn't sound so bad" He smiled.

"But your not getting out of your promise!" He smirked.

"Can't wait~" I licked his ear, he blushed and kissed me.

"Ahem!" We pulled away and looked over, the doctor was standing there with a smile. She sat on her seat and pulled out a computer.

"Okay so I've been notified about the whole personification of countries thing" She looked over at us.

Alfred's POV

"It's an honor to meet you Mr. America, Mr. سيرك، بسبب، ريجس" I smiled back. Maybe this won't be too bad.

She checked my throat, looked in my ear, listened to my heart beat, and tapped my knee with a little hammer.

She finished typing on her computer and turned to us again.

"Okay, America is perfectly healthy,  but from what I see here, he hasn't had his prostate checked in some time" She glanced back at her computer "Would you like to get it done now or would you like to reschedule?"

"Well were already here, might as well get it over with" (Y/N) decided. I was horrified. The doctor looked at me.

"Here, how about I tell you what I'm about to do and you nod if that's okay and shake your head if it's not okay" She said smiling gently. I took a deep breath and nodded. She smiled again and left to get the supplies. I turned back to (Y/N).

"You owe me more than just a strip tease now!"

"I know! I know! I didn't think you would need to get it done!"


I was asked to pull down my pants and boxers then bend over. I blushed hard. I did so and quickly covered my head with a blanket, totally and utterly embarrassed. I felt someone gently pick up the blanket. I looked up and saw that (Y/N)'s head was now under the blanket with mine. He smiled and I felt his hand slip into my fisted one outside the blanket.

"Okay, I'm just going to put on my gloves first, is that okay Alfred?" I used my other hand to give her a thumbs up. I heard the snapping of gloves.

"Okay I'm just going examine the outside area for any infections, is that okay?" I nod under the blanket. I felt her hand gently prod my butt, I jumped when she touched my entrance.

"Okay Alfred, I need you to relax so I can gently slide in my fingers, is that okay?" I wanted to say no, I nod and squeeze my eyes shut. I felt one of her fingers go through.

"Alfred" I opened my eyes and discovered I was crying, I looked up and saw (Y/N) without his mask.

"Look at me, don't focus on anything but me" I looked into his eyes and my gaze wandered over the different colors of his eyes.

"Alfred! Good job! Your done!" My eyes widened and I scrambled to pull my pants and boxers up.

"You were very brave!" The doctor smiled under her mask and threw away her gloves. She handed me a lollipop.

"Thank you for being so patient!" (Y/N) smiled "Yeah! Could you become my permanent doctor!" I asked. She smiled.

"It would be an honor, Mr. America" She saluted me and walked out.


Me and (Y/N) were headed back to the car to go home where I would get to see my sexy bae in a tight fitting police uniform slide down a pole.

"Getting excited already aren't we,  Alfie?" (Y/N) smirked and gestured down to Florida.

"You love it!" I winked.

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