Cuddle Monster!

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(Y/N)'s POV

Alfred's been acting weird lately. He hasn't yelled out anything very random in weeks and everyone's worried about him.

I was at the World Meeting currently and we were all waiting for my love.

My phone started singing and some people jumped from the sound. I answered it.

"Hey babe......." I immediately recognized Alfred's voice, although, it sounded raspy and hoarse

"Alfie! You okay! Me and the others are waiting for you! Were all worried about you, you haven't been acting like yourself lately!" Alfred was quiet for a moment, but I could tell he was still there.

"Yeah. I know. I'm sorry. Just tell Germany that I won't be there. Love you." And with that he hung up.

I was to shocked to say anything. He said that he loved me but when he said it, it sounded..........hollow.......dull.

I slowly put my phone down.

"He's unable to make it." I say quitely to Germany. He looked concerned bit probably knew not to push it, so he started the meeting. I wasn't listening.

Alfred's POV

I put my phone down after I hung up and did something I haven't done since I became best bros with (Y/N). I cried. Hard.

I was falling apart. I didn't know why. I decided to look at the news to see if anything going on in my country would effect my mood. Let's see. Drug bust in California. Nothing new there. Minor Flood in Missouri. Meh. New show sweeps the nation called '16 and Pregnant'. I blinked. Being pregnant means you go through a lot of emotional stuff, right? Not to mention hormones!

I knew what I had to do! I pulled out my phone and tapped the contact I was looking for.

(Y/N)'s POV

Denmark was presenting but I still wasn't listening. I felt my phone buzz and saw Alfred's name flash across the screen. He sent me a text.

My Little Hamburger: Babe! Com ovr now! Me needs cuddles!

My Little Hamburger: Im sory I wus acting weird! I just need u right now!

I chuckled at my boyfriend's poor spelling and texted back.

Me: Sure Alfie! Are you sure you just want cuddles ;)

My Little Hamburger: Maybe~ ;)

I chuckled again.

My Little Hamburger: Cmon! Hury up! Im horny and want tu cudle!

Me: I'm coming sweetums!

I jumped up from my chair, collected my stuff, and ran towards the door yelling out "I'mSorryButIHaveToGoNowSoICan


I ran into Alfred's room and saw him thrashing around on his bed. My eyes widen "Alfie! What's wrong! What happened!" He looked over weakly and spoke in a shaky voice "(Y/N).....kiss me.......when Americans get lonely then they start to feel suicidal and that affects me.......I think I need to receive some act of love to fix hurts......" I rushed over and gently pulled him into my lap and kiss him gently but passionately. I feel him perk up and before I know it, I'm pinned to the mattress "Y'know I wasn't joking when I said I was horny~"

Tonight was going to be a long night.


I made sure Alfred was asleep before I untangled myself from him, careful not to wake him up, I pulled on a pair of boxers and put my usual long coat on. I walked/limped towards the kitchen. Sometimes I don't even feel like the Dom in this relationship, but I'm not complaining! A possessive Alfred always gets me going!

I poured Alfred some coffee and made him a breakfast burger. I walked back up to his room. I see his hands feeling around the bed groping for something. I put the breakfast on the end of his bed, but apparently I got too close and Alfred grabbed my waist and pulled me onto the bed. His arms wrapped around my chest keeping my arms against my sides and his legs hooked around my waist so I couldn't move my legs. I was stuck.

"Alfred? Could you let go I can't move"

He cracked a eye open "Good"

I sighed, I wasn't going to get out of this easily.

"But Alfie, I have paperwork to do plus I promised the Axis I would hang out with them today" He looked thoughtful for a moment.


I was walking to Romano and Italy's house. But. Alfred was still attached to my body. His arms were still trapping my arms to my sides. His legs were wrapped around my waist. His head was nuzzled into my neck.

He let me put on the rest of my clothes and he slipped on his usual white muscle shirt and bomber jacket with jeans and glued himself back onto my side.

I found it very cute and amusing. I made it the door and Alfred rang the doorbell since I couldn't move my arms.

"Ve~! That-a must be-a (Y/N)!"

"Shut up bastardo! You don't need to yell!"

We heard some fighting and yelling, probably from Germany. Alfred actually fell asleep. Finally someone opened the door and Japan's head popped out.

"(Y/N)-san, come i-" He saw Alfred attached to my side.

"I'll explain when everybody is here. I don't feel like explaining it more than once" He just nodded and stepped aside.

We walked to the room where the yelling is coming from. China opened the door and Germany yelled.

"SHUT ZHE H*LL UP!?" Everything went quiet. Alfred is still snoring away. Is guess they heard him.

"Ve~! Why is America on you?"

I sighed "There has been a dramatic spike of 16 year old girls getting pregnant in America and as you may or may not know, when your pregnant you get very emotional and since Alfred is America those wild emotions affect him so he's been getting strong mood swings and I didn't think it was a good idea to leave him with the states so I took him with me"

"Ve~! Poor Alfred!"

I sighed and put my head on top of his and nuzzled my face into his sandy locks.

"He'll be okay, he'll be back to talking about aliens and putting a McDonalds in space before we know it" Alfred yawned like a kitten.

"Awwww~" Japan and Italy cooed over Alfred.

Hetalia America x Male ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz