Dreams and Revenge

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Alfred's POV

I looked over only to see.......................
my father George Washington "D-Dad what are you doing here plus AREN'T YOU DEAD!?" I start to freak until my Dad slaps me "Get a hold of yourself son in still very much dead this is a dream" He said , I only now realize (Y/N) is gone "Wh-what so I didn't kiss (Y/N)?" I spoke with shock and disappointment which my dad caught on "Don't worry son in sure if you talk to him and confess to him-" "Who said that I like him!" I say blushing and waving my arms about "You were just dreaming of making out with him" He deadpanned, I blushed even harder and looked at the floor "Look son right I need you to wake up" "What?" I heard my name being called from a distance I looked back only to my Dad is gone and darkness consumed me.

(Y/N)'s POV

I was trying to wake up Alfred he fell asleep a while ago and the weird thing was he has being moaning in his sleep and saying inaudible words but I know he said my name at least 3 times. "Alfred! Al! Alfie! Alfred Pennyworth!" He was unresponsive "*Sigh* I didn't want to have to do this ALFRED FRANCINE JONES!?" He shot up "Dude be quiet someone could of heard you!" "Well it was you're fault that you wouldn't wake up! What we're you dreaming of anyway? You were moaning a lot" I swore I saw him blush but I brushed it aside "U-Um nothing" "Um ok? We should change hiding places because they are probably getting suspicious because of all the yelling and as if that set off a switch in the universe the barn doors opened with a bang me and Al quickly hid in a pile of hay and peeked out seeing the Axis, Allies, and 50 states step in "I heard the yelling coming from here!" Florida exclaimed "They will pay for ruining my phone!" California said with a evil glint in her eyes "Well let's stop chatting and start looking!" Michigan said "Al there's no way we can escape without being spotted!" I whisper frantically "I know! What do we do!?" He whispers back.

3rd POV

What the two countries didn't know was that Alfred's cowlick 'Nantucket' was sticking up out of the hay no one noticed it right away because it blended in but as soon as England laid his eyes upon it he smirked to himself and discreetly made his way towards the hay pile. He made his move and forced his hand into the hay and yanked out his former colony "AHHHHHHHH!?" America screamed like a little girl "DON'T KILL ME PLEASE!? He pleaded " I'M SORRY I TRICKED YOU YOUR PHONE WASN'T BROKEN WE JUST SWAPPED IT WITH A FAKE PHONE!?" America yelled out a frantically searched for the phone and yanked it out once he found it and held it out to California "AND HERE'S YOUR HAT!? I'M SORRY JUST DON'T KILL ME I'M TO YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL TO DIE!?" He once again pleaded and held out Texa's hat which he took and placed in his head. Meanwhile (Y/N) was trying to sneak out of the barn when the cursed door made the slightest 'creak~' and all attention went to him.

(Y/N)'s POV


*Time Skip*

The countries have left by now and me and Al we're sitting in front of the states "Okay I'm making it official me and Al we'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you but the catch is that the boys can only to chose one thing for us to do same for the girls so think carefully about this!" The states agreed and split into groups huddled together the boys got done first "We want you guys to dress up in maid outfits while we invite the countries over for lunch and you have to serve us all day!" "Ugh (Y/N) what did you get us into!" "I don't know Al I don't know......" It was a tense few minutes until the girls were done "Okay we like want you to like make out!" California said excitedly "WHAT!?" Me and Alfred yelled "Yeah one thing all us girl states have in common is that were all a fan of yaoi" Wyoming squealed "WHAT!?" The girl states all started squealing while the boy states were snickering and here we were me and Al just sitting there with our jaws dropped. "Wait a minute guys why don't we must up the two they make out while in maid dresses and they have to serve us during lunch with the countries!" Nebraska squealed getting squeals of agreement from the girls and cheers from the boys "HUH!?" "It's a deal!" Nevada said shaking hands with California "Wait.... " "Okay you guys heard em I'll invite the countries for Lunch tomorrow and you guys go get your dresses on and fulfill your promise with the girls!" Delaware said.

Maine handed us the dresses and we slowly trudged away, what were supposed to do! If we ran away they would easily catch us and make us do something more horrendous! We stripped down to our underwear and slipped on the dresses and stepped out all the girls instantly squealing making me and Al cover our ears "Well come on don't keep us waiting!" Iowa squealed, me and Alfred awkwardly looked at each other before I sucked in a deep breath and smashed my lips to his, I heard the girls squeal and Alfred start kissing back we were doing just fine until California pushed me back onto the couch with Alfred on top of me, we both blushed madly and continued kissing hoping to satisfy the girls. Eventually me and Alfred started actually enjoying it and I put my hands on his hips while he sat on my waist and pushed his tongue into my mouth and started a tongue wrestle between us.

Alfred's POV

'Please let this be real............. '

Hetalia America x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now