World Meeting

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(Y/N)'s POV

Me and America are currently flying over the Atlantic towards Italy, since the meeting is being held there. "Hey dude are we there yet!" Alfred asked me "Um I think so?" "Are we lost?" "Probably?" I answered back more as a question than a statement "I'm calling England" Alfred said pulling out his phone "Kay".

3rd POV
*World Meeting*

"Vhere is America and سيرك، بسبب، ريجس?" Germany questioned "Why don't we ask England! Ohonhonhon~" France said and everyone's eye went to the Brit "I-I DON'T KNOW WHERE THE BLOODY WANKERS ARE!" England yelled, then his phone rang *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* "*Sigh* It's America" He accepted the call but accidentally put it on speaker "Hey Iggy me and (Y/N) are gonna be a little late kay!" "WHERE THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU!?" "Oh me and (Y/N) are I don't exactly know......." "WHAT!?" "Bye! Nice talkin to ya Iggy!" America said hurriedly and hung up before the Brit could say anything
England slowly put his phone down and hid his face from the hundreds of eyes looking at him "Ohonhonhon~ trouble with family~" "SHUT UP YOU BLOODY FROG!?".

Alfred's POV

"Sooooo Iggy's pissed" I say "Ok......what now should we land down there?" (Y/N) questioned pointing to land below us "Yeah..... WAIT THAT'S ITALY! (Y/N) you did it!" "I did! Yay I knew this ole girl still has her luckiness from the good ole days!" He said patting the side of the plane gently "Woo hoo!" I cheered. We landed and showed the security our ID's and starting sprinting to the World Conference area "Al hop up on my back it'll be faster!" (Y/N) shouted, I hopped on (Y/N) took off almost as fast as The Flash. We entered the building and I hopped of (Y/N) we ran down the twisting hallways and skidded to a stop at one of the doors. We pushed open the doors and all eyes went to us "The *pant* hero *pant* is *pant* here!" I managed to get out "Ugh I'm so tired!" (Y/N) complained leaning against the doorway "*Sigh* Just take jour seats" Germany said tiredly, me and (Y/N) took our seats next to each other. Germany then spoke "Would jou two like to explain vhy jour late?" Germany asked sternly, we shook out heads madly "Vell don't keep us vaiting go ahead" He said sternly. We stuttered until (Y/N) nudged me "Go ahead Al tell em" I glared at him and turned back to everyone "Um well right after I hung up with Iggy I started eating a hamburger then a seagull decided he wanted it and attacked me trying to get it and I ended strangling him until it got the message while (Y/N) was jamming out to Hollywood Undead so he couldn't hear me, then he got smacked in the face by a fish from that that the same seagull so he tried to hop out of the plane to attack it while I was trying to control the plane and then (Y/N) calmed down and we were over some land by then and it turns out it was Italy! So we landed and ran all the way here knocking over a fruit cart on the way and getting chased by 2 little Italian women cursing profanities at us!" I finished, Germany had a look of disbelief while everyone was trying not to laugh. "Let's just start the meeting" Germany said quietly.

*Time Skip*


"Ohonhonhon~ dear England Mon Cheri~"


"Ve~ Germany try my pasta!"

"Aiyah! Get your hands off me aru!"

"Kesesesesese~ the awesome me doesn't want to!"

"Rhy can't re have one meeting rhere everything roes right?"

"Um Russia can you please stop sitting on me?"

"Who said dat?"

(Y/N)'s POV

Me and Alfred we both rambling about what exists and what doesn't exist "What about Unicorns!" "They totally exist!" "Bigfoot!" "Well duh of course he does exist!" What we didn't realise is that everyone has quieted down via Germany's glare and were listening to our conversation "Hmmm what about aliens!" "Totally dude! Do you think that the Pyramids were actually built by the Egyptians?" "Now that I realise it how could they get the blocks used to build it so straight that couldn't have just been done by them" "I know right!" "*Ahem*" We stopped talking and looked towards the noise only to see everyone staring at us "Um need somethin' dudes?" Alfred asked "I would like to start de meeting" Germany stated "Oh....." Alfred said quietly, Germany nodded and started talking about something I obviously don't care about. I sneakily pulled out my earbuds and started to the Annie track and started listening 'Your Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile' by Sia. Unconsciously singing along with it.

Alfred's POV

I was staring into space when I heard quiet mumbling slowly turn into singing "Your never fully dressed without a smile~" I turned only see (Y/N) silently jamming out "Don't sink the boat when you lose hope I'll keep you alive~" He sung this line a little louder and got some countries attention "But baby your never fully dressed without a smile~" That got everyone to stop talking and turn their attention towards (Y/N) listening gentle yet firm voice sing. As we continued listening he grew more passionate with each lyric he sang "Your never fully dressed without a smile~" He stopped singing then his eyes widened when he realized he was singing out loud, his head snapped up only to see everyone looking at him "Um..... Sorry continue" He said blushing.

*Time Skip*

(Y/N)'s POV

'Finally the meeting is over!' "Dude are you ready for the most awesomest night ever!" Alfred yelled out "Yeah!" I yelled high fiving him, and with that we ran out leaving a bunch of confused nations behind. Me and Al got back to my plane and I let Alfred fly. We made it back to his mansion and put my plane in his garage for safe keeping "So what should we do!" I asked excited "Prank the states!" He replied back almost immediately "Brilliant!".

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