letter xxiii

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"you are so good"

"you are so good"

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Neva sighed as she sat down on a soft couch near one of the windows in the mansion. Hank had taken River out for grocery shopping, Charles was supposedly doing some organizing in his office, so she was mostly alone for the afternoon. She leaned on the fluffy pillows, book and pen in her lap, while her gloves were on the floor next to her. Neva had planned on writing (she hadn't written for fun in what was almost forever), but she slowly felt herself slipping into sleep.


Neva opened her eyes to see Alex's blonde hair blowing softly in the small breeze. There were faint chirps of birds and the yellow brightness of the sun hiding behind the

"Hey, Neva!" Alex grinned at her. She rubbed her eyes and grinned back. They had just spent another day picnicking on the mansion grounds.

Neva loved whenever they picnicked because the gardens were always beautiful, and it was always very relaxing compared to teaching moody teenagers. Speaking of teenagers, the pair could hear some in the distance, yelling and fooling around. Neva rolled her eyes. They were supposed to be inside for lunch right now.

"I'm glad we have this spot to ourselves," said Alex. Neva nodded. Her head was on his shoulder while he played with her gloved fingers. They both leaned on a tree while sitting on a blanket.

"I agree," she said. After the school started up, the couple decided to pick a secluded area for picnics or dates where no children or teachers would go. It was near the lake, but hidden slightly by the tall surrounding trees.

"How's class going?" asked Alex. Neva shrugged,

"Class is class," she said. "We're covering creative writing this month though, so that will be fun. I can get the kids to write stories, and some of my kid are really good at writing, so I'm excited. They sometimes go overboard on imagery and figurative language, but at least they try. I'm proud of them." Alex smiled at her. "What are you grinning about, Summers?"

"I just think you are really cute when you ramble about your class and writing in general," he said, laughing. Neva elbowed his side. "Ow!" She started laughing, which made him laugh more. Alex began to tickle her side, causing Neva to fall down laughing. He continued, now hovering over her and poking her stomach.

"Alex! Alex! Get off!" she laughed. Her cheeks were hurting from the grins. Alex smirked and then scooped her up. "What are you doing, Alex?" she asked, still grinning and now trying to wiggle her way out of his strong arms.

"Mm you'll see," he said, pecking her cheek. She got a flash of them hanging out after class earlier that day. Alex began to walk over to a certain body of water.

"Alexander Summers! I swear if you-" She was cut off by a yelp as Alex threw her into the lake. A quick thought passed her brain as she hit the water: Why exactly am I dating Alex Summers, the biggest prankster ever?

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