letter xvii

662 28 4

FOREWORD: another long chapter yEET

"what goes unsaid doesn't go unheard"

"what goes unsaid doesn't go unheard"

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January 28, 1973

Dear Alex,

I miss you a lot. I sometimes wonder if leaving to Paris was a good idea because then I can't see if you sent any letters.

Anyways, we landed and are driving to the Paris Peace Accords thing. The war is pretty much over, and I wonder if you'll be home soon. I really hope so. And I hope my dreams weren't foreshadowing anything.

Sometimes, I think I'm failing at this "hiding my emotions" face. What goes unsaid doesn't go unheard, as crazy as that sounds. Hank and Charles know about my sadness, but they can't feel it. They probably feel the same way, but no one says anything about it. Logan started to notice too, I think. I really want to read his future, but I don't know what I'd see.

Maybe it has Scott or River or something. Maybe it has us. Together.

Ok, Charles is looking at me strangely, so I have to stop before he asks me any questions. I'll probably write later.

Love, Neva Liu


Neva slid the paper into her satchel and took in a deep breath as they rolled up the gravel driveway. She looked out the window at the tall building in front of the car. There were lots of flags and people with cameras. She wondered where Mystique was.

"Time to go," Erik said, stepping out of the car. Neva did the same and took in another deep breath. She felt Hank rub her shoulder.

"You ok, Neva?" he asked. She put on a smile and nodded.

"Yeah. Let's go find Mystique," she said. He smiled back at her, and the two followed Charles up the stairs of the building.

As they neared a conference room, there were shouts of alarm from inside. Hank and Neva exchanged glances and the mutants all ran into the room. Pushing the big doors out of the way, they walked into a chaotic mess. Men in uniform were on the floor, crouched in pain, and a blue skinned woman was aiming a gun right at a small man's forehead. Neva widened her eyes and debated about tackling Mystique to the ground. Before she could, Charles ran in.

"Raven!" he shouted. Suddenly, a colonel aimed a device at Mystique. It shot out a web of electrical circles and she fell onto the table, convulsing violently. Charles ran over to her, and Erik used his powers to pull out the tasers. Unfortunately for the colonel, they were metal and Erik threw them onto his uniformed body. The colonel shook with electricity.

Neva stood in the back helplessly. The small man was looking with wide eyes as a little, white shape in his hand beeped rapidly. Neva turned back to Charles who was stroking Mystique's hair.

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