letter xi

760 35 18

oh-o-oh-o-oh this one is gonna hurt

oh-o-oh-o-oh this one is gonna hurt

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March 24, 1971

Dear Alex,

It's been more than three months without you. You birthday passed, and I couldn't celebrate it without crying. I miss you. So, so, so much. It hurts my heart just to think about you, which is why I haven't written as many of these letters as one would think. Last year, I couldn't imagine a day without you...but here we are, three months apart.

Your absence has taken a toll on Charles and Hank, not just me. I don't think River understands as much as we do, but she still has been noticing that everyone is a lot more sad. You were the last super bright and super joyful mutant in the mansion, and since you're gone, it seems a lot more dull and dark.

Charles increased his drinking habits and serum injections. I told him not to, but he now completely does not care. At all. It hurts me to see him lay in his bed and now messy room, just gazing into the ceiling. Hank and I tried to make him stop taking so much serum, but he yelled at us so harshly that we left. I had to hug Hank for a while afterwards, the poor guy. He was in tears and thinks it's all his fault: if he hadn't made the serum, none of this would've happened. I had to tell him that it's not his fault. It honestly isn't.

Hank pushes down his sadness with building. He has been repairing the whole Blackbird jet. It looks pretty good. But he overworks, and I usually find him awake till morning in his lab. Sometimes he forgets to eat or sleep, which is not healthy in the slightest. I'm trying to make sure he has rest and food, but it's really hard. He keeps pushing me away, but I know that he doesn't mean it.

I have to take care of River of course. She asks about you. I've learned to cover up my feelings from her. I can't bluntly tell her that you're gone; that would be horrible parenting. But I'm starting to teach her more English techniques and such. I asked Charles to help once with teaching, but he ignored me. Then I asked Hank, but he said he was too busy. So it's just me and River.

I keep thinking about what you said when you left, that you'd marry me. Would you do that? I know we were both a bit afraid of commitment, but now I really think we can be married. It would be strange to see a biracial couple in this time and age, but we can make it work. If you do come back ever.

I have nightmares. Bad ones about your future. Like I said before, I can't completely see specific details. Charles was going to work on that with me when the school started up, but that never really happened. All I know about your death is explosions. I can feel the heat and hear screams, but that's it. And it scares me so much. What if there is an explosion on the battlefield? God knows where those army people put you mutants because you are "different." I am so worried about you, and it keeps me up at night. Sometimes I turn around to hug you for comfort and...you aren't there.

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