letter xvi

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"and boy, you know the less you learn

"and boy, you know the less you learn

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January 27, 1973

Dear Alex,

I'm on an airplane to Paris! I'm also realize I'm writing a bunch of letters to you today, but it's mostly because I have no one else to talk to about all the crazy stuff that is happening. Charles is sulking by a window, Hank is flying the plane, Logan is not really that friendly, and Erik keeps looking at me weird. Maybe if Peter was here I'd talk to him, but he and Riv are both back at the Maximoffs.

I really wish you were here. We could maybe sightsee around the romantic city together before actually like trying to find Mystique, you know? I don't really know though. Just an idea.

Anyways, I don't have much to say. I think we're almost at Paris. Hank's a pretty good pilot. It reminds me of when we went on missions on the Blackbird. I miss those times.

Sorry this letter was short. Not that you'd read this. I hope. Some of these letters are embarrassing (like the first one I wrote...)

Love, Neva Liu

PS: I hope you come home soon. But I guess I always say that.


"How did you lose them?" Erik asked to his old friend, breaking the thick silence. Logan looked up with a raised eyebrow. Neva had been trying unsuccessfully to sleep. Instead, she was now reading a book whilst being under a blanket she found packed away. She and Logan exchanged glances.

Charles didn't look up.

"The treatment for my spine affects my DNA," he said curtly.

"You sacrificed your powers so you could walk?!" Erik scoffed.

"I sacrificed my powers so I could sleep!" Charles shouted. Neva felt guilt stir in her stomach. She had never thought about the fact that Charles could hear all of the voices in the mansion. Especially after Alex and Sean left, he must have been cracking under the thoughts of herself and Hank. She couldn't possibly imagine the stress and sadness Charles had to endure, even without the two saying a single word. "What would you know about it?" he spat at the other man.

"I've lost my fair share," said Erik simply from his seat. Charles laughed coldly.

"Dry your eyes, Erik," he said angrily. Neva could also see tears threaten to spill. "It doesn't justify what you've done."

"You have no idea what I've done," Erik replied.

"I know you took the things that meant the most to me," Charles said, breathing heavily.

"Then maybe you should have fought harder for them," Erik said. Charles stood up, furious.

"If you want a fight, Erik, I'll give you a fight!" he shouted.

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