letter xii

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foreword: so sorry this one is short, but i mean, we need some happiness right?

you feel cold it the summer sun

you feel cold it the summer sun

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May 2, 1971

Dear Neva,

I miss you a lot. More than a lot actually. The other soldier guys around here all tease me about you (I sorta talk about you more than I should), but I really do miss you. I think they are just jealous. They don't have such amazing girlfriends. Or girlfriends at all. Suckers.

I hope to get out of this war soon. I really missed the whole gang on my birthday. I know that your birthday is coming up soon, which is sorta why I'm writing this. This letter will probably never get to you, Neva, but I really hope it does.

It is so hot here in Vietnam. It's summer here, and all of us are burning up. But the summer sun reminds me of how you always get cold in the summer. And it is always because of the ice cream that you eat. Neva, you eat so much ice cream it sometimes scares me. Those memories always make the hot days a lot better.

I've thought a bunch about us getting married, and honestly, I really think we can make it work out. I know you have problems with all the future stuff, and one time you accidently let it slip that you didn't see yourself in my future. That really hit me, and at first, that was why I pushed you away during our break in '68. But I want to go against destinies. Maybe we can change our fates? Get married, and live out our lives. Have Scott be the uncle to our kids. I mean, it's all a maybe but I really want to make it work.

Do you want to make it work? I promised that I would propose when I got back, and you know that Alex Summers never breaks his promises. (Ok that one time with the cake does not count...)

I love you, and I really miss you. Write back if you can! Say hi to everyone for me!

Love, the (truly) amazing Alex Summers

PS: just kidding - you are the actually amazing one in this relationship


Neva screamed when she got an envelope that had bold lettering on the front. It read:




Hank walked downstairs rubbing his eyes. He hadn't had much sleep the night before, and Neva had just woken him up from his lab.

"Neva...what's wrong? What happened?" he mumbled sleepily. She ran over to him and squeezed him into a hug. "Uh..." She felt herself start to cry.

"Alex...sent a letter...oh my god," she sobbed. She wasn't actually sobbing in sadness, but Hank still hugged her tightly. He felt himself tear up also. They hadn't heard from Alex in so long, they hadn't even known if he was still alive.

"Hey hey, calm down, ok? So Riv doesn't freak out," he laughed. Neva laughed also and wiped her tears.

"You think he's ok?" she asked. "What if this letter is bad? What if he's not ok? What if he jus-"

"Neva," Hank cut her off by raising her chin up. She looked at him with teary eyes. "He's perfectly fine. And you just got a letter from him. C'mon! Don't you want to read it?" Neva laughed again and nodded.

"You're the best, Hank. Thank you. A lot." Hank smiled. Neva hadn't been this happy in a long time.

"No problem, Neva." The two walked up together, reminiscing on old memories and grinning till their cheeks hurt.

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