letter xviii

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if only i could help us both

if only i could help us both

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Neva didn't really understand how Hank loved planes so much. Good thing this trip would only last a few hours. Again in her warm blanket, Neva was curled up in her seat. She leaned on the wall and twirled her pen around, wanting to stretch out her legs on solid ground. Hank called that they were almost there, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Logan was sitting on the other side, and Charles was sitting in his same spot. He touched his legs hesitantly.

"You ok?" he asked the professor. Charles looked up and nodded.

"Getting there," he said softly. Neva smiled to herself. That was a good sign. Logan sighed and leaned forward.

"Whatever happens today, I need you to promise me something," he said solemnly. "You looked into my mind, and you've seen a lot of bad, but you've seen the good too." Neva raised her eyebrows slightly. Charles had seen the future? "The X-Men. Promise me you'll find us. Use your power, bring us together. Guide us, lead us. Storm, Scott, Jean." He paused and glanced at Neva. "And River. Remember those names. There's so many of us. We will need you, Professor." Charles smiled, but Neva was shocked at the young girl's name.

"I'll do my best," the Brit said. Logan nodded and leaned back.

"Your best is enough, trust me," he said. Neva cleared her throat, and the two men looked at her.

"Sorry, you said uh River?" she said. Logan nodded again.

"Yeah why?"

"Is she...can I...um..." Neva felt herself pulling off her gloves.


"M-my mutation," she stammered. "I c-can read your future. Can I?"

"You wanna read my future?" Logan looked at Charles who nodded slightly. "Alright, not all of it, but sure," said the older man. He walked across to the seat next to her. "So how does this work?"

"Hold out your hands," she instructed. "My mutation works with skin to skin contact." He nodded and put out his hands.

"I knew someone like that," he said quietly. Neva took in a deep breath. She put hers into his and was immersed into the future.

The feeling of extreme pain all over. Flashes of a red headed woman grinning. Laughing at a man with red glasses. Running in a leather pantsuit. Meeting a woman with brilliant white hair and a joyful smile. An Asian woman sitting on the man in red glasses (they were laughing). A girl with a white streak in her hair, holding out a gloved hand. A brunette with no powers but a wide smile. The sight of a silver robot with glowing eyes and long arms. Running with the professor and a man in a cape. Robots ripping people apart. The feeling of emptiness.

"Focus for River," Charles said as if a distance away. He was talking through his powers, trying to stabilize hers. Neva nodded, eyes still closed. She focused on a strong memory with the girl's name.

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