letter vi

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"oh you are so good, I know that this is gonna hurt"

"oh you are so good, I know that this is gonna hurt"

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March 28, 1965

Dear Alex,

My mind is killing me.

Ok I'll back up a few steps. You and I are going steady. As in we've been dating for about five months now. It's been really, really amazing.

On Christmas Day, we announced that we had been dating for a month and a half. Sean screamed for a straight two minutes (outside of course, otherwise we'd be dead). Hank was paralyzed but then started grinning and saying congratulations and all that nice stuff. He accidently said "happy birthday." It was pretty funny. Charles just smiled. I'm pretty sure he's known since the beginning. With telepathy and all.

Anyways, we've now been on more official dates. You are really sweet. I mean, last week, we went to a pretty decently fancy restaurant nearby and you even dressed up. Did I mention you looked very, very cute?

But it's all killing me.

You've only kissed me once since Christmas. I think you noticed that I see more specific things everytime we touch, and it makes me feel horrible inside. My brain is tearing apart slowly.

It's about your future, Alex. The terrible, terrible future.

You've specifically told me that you don't want to know your future. And even though that's really hard for me, I will not tell you. It's only the most likely...probably...future...I see now how my statement is horrible.

Alex, please. I'm begging you to - well I don't even know! Destiny is a hard thing to control once it's set. And what is tearing me apart is that I can't do anything about it. Nothing. I can't do anything. At. All.

I think I love you. [crossed out]

I'm supposed to be a superhero, but I can't even save the one person who I love. How poetically ironic.

Love, Neva Liu


"Hey," Alex said after coming in. He closed the door softly. Neva looked up from reading under her blankets. She smiled and put the book down.

"Hey. Done with teaching training?" she teased. He rolled his eyes and took off his shoes. It was a little pet peeve of hers.

"I think I'll make a pretty great teacher. What do you think?" Alex went over to the queen bed and laid down on top of the blankets, resting his head on her legs. She started stroking his soft blonde hair, making sure not to touch his face.


"Wow, thanks. You're a great and supportive girlfriend." Neva laughed.

"You know what I think. I think you will do amazing." Alex crinkled up his nose, making Neva laugh more.

"The school should be up soon." Alex took a deep breath. "I'm actually kind of nervous. What if the kids don't like me? I mean, kids are pretty mean."

"They'll love you, ok? You're a lot of fun and hilarious and just a great person." She kissed his hair. "I think you'll be amazing."

"Thanks, Neva."

"You're welcome." There was a soft pause. "Are you staying?" He got up and propped himself on his elbow.

"Can I? My room is cold." He made a pouty face. She rolled her eyes.

"Blankets are open." Neva scooted over slightly, and Alex took off his shirt then pulled the blanket over him. "Really, Summers?"

"Don't judge me, Ms. Liu," Alex laughed. Neva blushed slightly.

"I just don't want to accidently like p-punch you or something," she stammered. He grinned.

"I'll be fine. Thanks for letting me sleep here." Neva bit the side of her cheek. In reality, she just didn't want his bare skin near her. She couldn't bear to see his future again. One time was enough. She put the book on her nightstand and turned off the light.


"No, no, no Alex, no!" Neva woke up to her own screaming. Alex was shaking her shoulders trying to get her to wake up.

"Neva! Neva! I'm here! I'm here!" She shakily opened her eyes to see his blue eyes. She took in a breath.

"Sorry, sorry," she muttered quickly. He looked at her, concerned. She shook his hands off and rubbed her eyes furiously. Get out of my head, get out of my head! She was having the visions again.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, sweetheart," he whispered. Neva crumpled into the soft mattress slightly. Alex sighed and rolled over, rubbing his own eyes.

"No I'm sorry for waking you up. What time is it?" She looked over at the digital clock. It read 5:01 AM. "It's so early..."

"It's fine, Neva. Are you ok?" he asked looking back at her. She nodded. No, I'm not. "You're not."

"I'm ok." I'm not.

"What happened?" he said, trying to be comforting. Neva rubbed her shoulders in the cold.

"N-nothing. Just a dream. A bad one."

"How come it had my name in it?" he said. She bit her cheek again.

"I can't tell you." I wish I could.

"Is it my future?" he said hesitantly.

"I just p-probably touched you by accident in your sleep. It's fine. I don't remember what happened." I remember everything. Alex sighed again.

"Neva, we have to talk about this, ok? I really care about you and...this isn't healthy. Bottling it all up."

"You yourself said you don't want to know!" she cried. "What do you want me to do?!"

"I know what I said!" he shouted. Neva was silenced. "Oh god..." Alex sat up and rubbed his eyes again. "I'm sorry."

"Me too," she whispered. Alex quickly pulled his shirt on. Before she could say anything, he gave her a hug. She hugged him back, tears pricking at her eyes. They didn't touch, but it was still with love.

"We can get through this, right? Right?" he asked. Neva nodded.


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