Thirty One

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"So..." Gilbert kept the car doors locked when he stopped his vehicle in Matthew's driveway. "I have something for you. I was gonna leave it in your mail box after Christmas, but since you're here..." Gilbert reached behind the seat and retrieved a bright red gift bag from the car floor. "Here."
"You didn't need to..."
"You're my friend, Mattie."
"Well, thank you. I appreciate it."
"Don't open it until you're alone." Gilbert suggested. "Oh...and New Years. You have to be there."
"I will."
"I'll pick you up at eight that night."
"Do you want me to come in with you?"
"If you want."
"Okay. Gute." Gilbert unlocked the doors and Matthew stepped out, Gilbert following right behind him.
They didn't even knock on the door before it flew open and Francis launched himself out, pulling Matthew into his arms.
"Matthieu, don't ever do that again. You had me worried sick."
"I'm sorry. I'm here now, though."
"Who's that?" Alfred asked, glaring at Gilbert. "Is he the one who's hurting you like this?"
"I'm not hurting him!" Gilbert insisted. "We're friends."
"Oh? Cuz he's never mentioned you."
"Alfred, please." Arthur put his hand on Alfred's shoulder. "We talked about this."
"I swear to god, if you touched him in any way he didn't want..." The American hissed.
"Alfred, leave him alone." Natalia scolded. Alfred immediately backed down.
"I'm sorry about him." Arthur apologized while Francis continued to squeeze the life out of Matthew.
"Thanks for dropping him off." The Frenchman pulled Matthew into the house, still cradling him close.
"Text me, Matthew. Every day." Gilbert requested.
The door closed and Matthew was left in an unbearable silence. He broke free from Francis and went to the living room to sit on the couch.
There was a tension in the household which was only broken by the distant noise of the kids playing upstairs. Matthew took a few deep breaths, just waiting for things to go back no normal.
"Mattie..." Alfred sat down beside him, but Matthew ignored him. That is; until he had another pair of strong arms squeezing him tightly. He felt a dampness sinking into his shirt. Alfred was crying.
"I'm sorry for being such a bad brother. I'll never do it again. I promise."
"Al..." Matthew didn't know what to say. He looped his arms around his brother's waist and hugged him back, tears burning his eyes. Soon, they were both crying, sobbing and dampening each other's shirts as they clung to them.
"Everything's gonna be okay, Mattie. You should come and stay with me and Natalia after Christmas. We have a spare room for you to sleep in and you can pet my dog."
"You have a dog?"
"Yeah. His name is Freedom and he's a golden retriever."
"And I'm allowed to pet him?!"
"Only twelve times."
"No fair!" Matthew giggled softly.
"Okay. Fourteen times, but you have to let him out in the mornings."
"I can still hook you up with Ivan, if you want. He lives around here."
"No thanks." Matthew shook his head. "I'm good."
There was somebody else he was into more.
"Plus," Natalia came into the room. "Ivan has a boyfriend already."
"Well, Mattie. I guess your on your own love life wise. Good luck." Alfred chuckled.
"I don't think I'll need it." Matthew muttered.
New Years.
On New Years he was going to tell him.
He was going to tell Gilbert...that he loved him back.

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