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I've written out a full plan so I know this is going to be thirty chapters. I'm on nineteen right now which means I only have to write eleven chapters so you probably won't have to worry about snags, which means next week I can start posting The Parallels which will be out on Saturdays and Sunday's. That's right! A weekend fic! Now you have to suffer with me seven days of the week! Haha suckers!

"I'm going out for a while." Matthew announced as he stepped out of the house.
"Will you be coming home?" Francis asked.
"Probably. I'll text if anything changes." Matthew closed the door before anybody could stop him. He felt like he was a teenager again, sneaking out to go to the school dance.
He walked and walked until he found that gay bar he was in the night before. Not because he was gay or anything...but because he hadn't tried their nachos and he really didn't get drunk enough the night before.
When he entered, it was chaos. There were so many people, but he really wanted nachos.
"Hey! Mattie!"
Oh shit.
Gilbert was here.
Matthew turned to the direction where his name had been spoken, seeing Gilbert surrounded by other people.
"Hey..." He tried to smile, but he was regretting coming here.
"Hey, didn't we go to high school together?" The dude sitting two seats away from Gilbert asked. Matthew recognized him, but couldn't remember his name.
"Yeah. I think so..."
"We did! You were the bastard who everybody thought was gay. I guess they weren't wrong if you're here in this bar."
"I'm not actually gay. I just came for the nachos."
"Matthew, we just had hot hot gay sex last night and you don't think you're gay? How does that even work?" Gilbert shook his head.
"That was a one time thing...I was just making absolutely sure that I wasn't the least bit gay."
"You seemed pretty insistent on it happening again."
"Okay...maybe I am a little gay...I haven't thought about it."
"You don't need to be scared of being judged for that. Two thirds of our graduating class is queer in some way."
"Oh yeah?" Matthew sat down next to the old high school friend, wanting to catch up.
"Sí. Even me, the kid who everybody was afraid to call gay."
Now he remembered his name. This guy was Lovino, an Italian exchange student.
"I'm only gay for Antonio tho. And only a little bit."
"You love me so much. Don't lie." The cheerful brunet beside him smiled.
"I love your money and that little crop of tomatoes in your back yard."
"That's not what you said when I proposed to you."
"That's true. I said 'can you shut the fuck up. I'm trying to drive' because you had really bad timing."
Antonio snickered, planting a soft kiss on Lovino's irritated cheek.
"So...these are my friends. I have more in case you're wondering. People love me." Gilbert bragged. He signalled something at a waitress who nodded and ran off to the kitchen.
"By friends do you mean friends or...clients...?" Matthew needed to know.
"Don't worry. Tonight is a guys night. There will be no semen squirting here."
"That's what you think.~" Antonio purred, placing his hand right on Lovino's lap.
"Toni, you sick fuck, how many times do I have to tell you...not in front of my salad." The Italian gestured to the salad in front of him.
"But you order salad every time we go somewhere."
"And for a good reason. I don't even like salad."
"If I'm...like...infringing on boys night or whatever..." Matthew started.
"What? Nein! The more the merrier! As long as you're willing to get super plastered and probably do something illegal then you can stay."
"Don't listen to him. If they start doing illegal shit I'll take you home." Lovino promised.
"So whaddaya say, Mattie?! Wanna join us? Nachos are on me."
Matthew smiled, if only softly. "Alright." He decided. "But only because you offered nachos."

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