Twenty Three

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It was about an hour into the meeting when Matthew really started to feel sick.
He was sitting under the table with the other subs, bored out of his tree. The others were grovelling at their master's feet or giving head or some shit that Matthew cared not to explore, but He really didn't want to join.
He didn't even touch Gil until the wave of nausea hit him, like a sudden chill. He tapped the Prussian's knee softly, receiving a flick on the head.
"Gil..." He whispered, "I don't feel so good." Gilbert peeked under the table, concern on his face.
"You're sick?"
"I thought I was better but yeah."
"Do you think you could make the walk home?"
"I mean...I really have to puke."
"I'll take you to the bathroom."
Gilbert stood. The low rumble of his voice gave an excuse to leave the table and soon Matthew was being pulled away.
When they got to the bathroom, Mattthew hunched over the toilet instantly. He heaved up the meal his papa had made for him, feeling guilty and also like he was gonna die.
"You should have waited until you were sure you were better." Gilbert whispered after the third time Matthew puked.
"I thought I was better." Matthew whined.
Gilbert grabbed some paper towel from the dispenser and wiped off Matthew's mouth. "I'll take you to my place to get changed and then I'll drive you home, okay?"
"I'm sorry aboot this."
"Don't worry. Do you think you can hold yourself up until we get back?"
"I...I hope so..."
"I'll help you up." Gilbert tossed the paper towel in the trash and flushed the toilet, standing and holding out his hands. Matthew took them, rising to his feet and collapsing against Gilbert's chest.
"There we go." His voice was soft, reassuring. Matthew wanted to enjoy the rumble of it against his ear, but he knew he couldn't.
"Just lean on me for a while and you'll be fine."
He wished it was that easy.
Gilbert lead them out of the bathroom and into the hallway where he helped the blond into his coat before slipping into his own.
"Are you guys leaving already? We haven't even gotten started." Matthias asked from the table.
"Yeah. Mattie's not feeling good."
"It better not be morning sickness, Gil."
"It could be. Fingers crossed." Gilbert chuckled softly but Matthew didn't join in.
"See ya later, then."
"Auf Weidersehen."
Gil directed Matthew into the cold night, keeping him close against his body. They could hear the distant sounds of music from the performance that night and Matthew suddenly wished he was at that instead of here.
" you mind if I give you a Christmas gift?"
"It's almost Christmas. I give gifts to everybody."
"You don't have to..."
"Sure I do! We're friends aren't we?"
"Uh...aboot that..." Matthew pursed his lips.
"Ja?" Gil sounded nervous now. Matthew really didn't want to be having this discussion but here he was.
"I don't think we should see each other anymore."
"I just...don't really like where this is going. I'm not ready for a relationship right now and-"
"Who said this was a relationship. It's just two bro's who sometimes help each other get their dicks wet."
"You said it was when you told me you loved me." Matthew could feel tears burning his eyes.
"I wasn't serious!" Gilbert insisted, but his face told another story.
"Let's just...lets just get home before one of us gets punched in the face."
"Mattie...I..." Gilbert looked heartbroken and Matthew didn't blame him. But this had to happen eventually.
"Just shut up and take me home."

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