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"Hey guys! It's Gil! Today I'm going to be reacting to undertale because all my followers told me to play it!"
Twenty fifteen was a fucked up year and it was dripping off this video. Matthew had been killing time before dinner by stalking Gilbert's YouTube, trying to get a feel of who this guy was.
"Honestly...sans just reminds me of my brother's boyfriend. You guys should follow him on vine, an app which will be around for many years to come."
"I'm just going to come out and say it...Mettaton can fucking rip my body to pieces."
Bitch same.
"I wish I had breadsticks so I could shove them in my purse because this date is going badly."
Matthew sighed.
"This game is great. Almost as great as the Deez Nuts meme which will never not be funny."
"Matthieu, dinner!" Francis called, pulling him out of the video.
"Be right there." Matthew closed his laptop and slid out of his bed. He was hoping his parents had forgotten all about that morning, but he couldn't promise anything. At the very least, they wouldn't bring it up at the dinner table, so all he had to do was eat fast and disappear before they could catch him.
He made his way down the stairs and sat down at the table between Michelle and Peter.
He felt out of place with his younger siblings on either side, like he had ended up going back to elementary school. He had been back in this house for a few weeks now and it still felt strange, probably because he never bothered to get used to it. He was moving out soon anyway.
"So, what did you kids get up to today?" Francis asked the children.
"I saw a frog." Peter announced.
"Yeah. He's right here at the table." Arthur smirked.
"He is at the table! Look!" Peter pulled a small green froggo from his pocket. Arthur shrieked.
"You put that thing back where it came from or so help me!"
"But he's my friend!"
"I swear to god..."
"Peter, put the frog back in the yard and wash your hands." Francis said sternly.
"Okay." Peter got up and ran away. Francis had always had more control over all four of the kids than Arthur.
"And what about you, Michelle?"
"I broke a vase but no boys came to make me join their host club."
"Uhh...which vase....?"
"Don't worry. It wasn't one of ours."
Arthur dished out all the food because it was the only food related job he could do without burning the house down.
Matthew looked down at the heap on the plate and sighed. His parents were crafty fucks.
"So...uh...didn't that guy die, Matthew?" Arthur struck up, sitting in his seat.
"The guy from that band you like?"
"Oh...the tragically hip. Yeah. He passed away. We had been expecting it for a while, though." Matthew stuffed a large heap of food into his mouth.
"When was the last time you went to a concert?"
"I dunno. I just haven't had the time."
"There's some local stuff going on this weekend...if you wanted to check it out."
"Maybe. That could be fun." If he had friends to go with...
Being lonely was a drag.

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