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Gilbert woke to the sound of soft breathing and the distant, happy cries of children. He opened his eyes to the most beautiful sight he had ever seen in his life; angelic blond hair over softly closed eyes, pink, virgin lips and a puddle of drool just beneath them. His glasses were off and folded up next to him, just out of harms way. Gilbert smiled, wanting to squeeze the life out of this man, but also wanting to protect him at all costs.
"Shiiiiit! It's eleven!!! We have be at church in an hour and you look like garbage!" Lovino muttered to Antonio.
"I don't look like garbage. You do."
"Uhm I'm always fine as shit. Your eyes are broken."
"Guys, shhhh. Mattie's sleeping." Gilbert scolded.
"It's eleven."
"Your home isn't far from here. Go clean up and get your dirty Catholic butts to church."
"Fine!" Antonio and Lovino got out of bed and started situating themselves. Matthew stirred at the ruckus but Gilbert stroked his hair to keep him asleep. Antonio stopped right before leaving the room, surprise on his face.
"I haven't seen you make that face in years, amigo...not since..." He trailed off, realizing what he was saying. "Haha never mind. It was probably my imagination."
"We're off to beg God for forgiveness and what not. See ya around." Lovino pushed Antonio out before Gilbert could argue that, no, this wasn't what it looked like. Gilbert wasn't just a repeat of before. Matthew was...different from...him.
"Matthieu...your friends left without breakfast! I can't stand for this and-" the man from the night before stepped into the room, but halted when he saw his son entangled among the bedsheets with a stranger. Gilbert reacted drastically, just like how he did when he was a teenager and his brother came into his room unexpectedly.
His legs kicked out like a kangaroo and he pushed Matthew onto the floor, hearing a screech like he had never heard before.
"Oh hey I totally wasn't sleeping next to your child sir he graciously slept on the floor last night because he's a good person God bless his soul you wouldn't kill a man on a Sunday would you?!!!!" The Prussian stammered out.
The parent in the doorway raised his eyebrow.
"Why am I on the floor and why am I in pain?" Matthew sat up, rubbing his head.
"Uh...the hangover???"
"Weren't there two more? What were their names again?"
"Toni and Lovi went to church to repent for their sins." Gilbert explained, patting Matthew on the head and handing his glasses over.
"Oh..." He looked confused and out of place. It was so damn cute.
"Breakfast is ready, if you want it."
"Uh yeah...I do." Matthew looked at his father, not impressed. "My kink is having my face full."
"No!!!" Matthew was beet red. Gilbert wanted that dick so bad.
"Okay...I'm Francis by the way..." Francis greeted before breaking into what looked to be a humiliating argument in French. This family seemed crazy but super awesome so far.
"Can we just eat?" Matthew finally asked.
"Oui. Come on." Francis turned and left the room while Matthew gathered his bearings.
"Can we go to your place after this? Or at least out of this house?"
"Ja! Absolutely! Do you want know...?"
"Uh...maybe...what I really want to do is watch a movie or something. I'll let you know when we get there."
"Good idea." Gilbert climbed out of the bed and planted a quick kiss on Matthew's cheek, stepping away in shock as he realized what he had done.
"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to...I..."
"Uhhh...lets just forget that happened."
"Good. Good. We're strictly sexual. I don't know why I did that."
"Food..." Matthew pointed to the door.
"Yeah. Food."
The pair made their way downstairs where Gilbert witnessed what was probably an average Sunday morning in this house.
There were two young children at the table, across from another man reading newspaper with a tea cup in his hand.
"Who is this?" The man asked, taking a fucking SIPP babes.
"This is Matthieu's boyfriend."
"Papa no!! Non non non! He's a friend who I met at a bar with other friends and we do friend stuff together."
"Like sleeping in the same bed?"
"Friends do that. Especially when the other friends are married and take up the spare bed. Also you should probably wash the sheets because I'm pretty sure I heard those two doing some hand stuff last night but that's none of my beeswax." Gilbert stammered.
"Besides, I'm not even gay!"
"You are." The entire table declared in sync.
"I'm not! Honestly I'm...I've never...I have never really thought aboot it."
"Matthew, we support you either way but you're twenty five."
"I know people who are way older and discovered it so..." Gilbert brought up.
"I don't think I'm really that into sex, honestly, if we're gonna go there...I just wasn't that interested."
"That's fine! That's a thing and it's valid and I respect that!!" Gilbert put his hands on Matthew's shoulders.
"Uh...getting a little carried away again?" Matthew stepped away.
"I'm sorry...I just...I have a...friend...whose ace...two actually...and...never mind."
Matthew nodded and sat down in his chair, Gilbert dropping beside him.
Did he ever embarrass himself there.

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