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When Matthew woke up the next morning, it was to the smell of bacon and eggs.
"Breakfast!" Gilbert was carrying a tray into the kinky sex room, except it looked different. This wasn't the kinky sex room...this was just an ordinary bedroom.
"I moved you to my room. The special room gets really cold at night and also I like to keep that Dom personality in there. It just isn't a nice personality to wake up to, you know?"
" often do you do...this?" Matthew sat up as much as his sore body could.
Gilbert smiled, setting the tray in front of him. He was still wearing his underwear but he had a shirt on now.
"Whenever I'm needed."
"Okay but how many people..."
"I have...maybe ten clients. I can't tell you who they are though. Conflict of interest."
"So I'm a client now?"
"Ja. If you want to be."
"I can't really pay you."
"You can pay me in other ways. Didn't you say you were between jobs?"
"Yeah but I don't really know what I can do..."
"I need a cleaner. It's hard to get one without having to tell them about the sex room. And you seem like a pretty open guy." Gilbert grinned. "It's totally up to you."
Matthew looked down at his food offering, considering the deal.
"What kinds of hours are we looking at here?"
"Whenever you want."
"Okay, but if I take that job...I wouldn't have spare money to pay my bills and stuff..." Matthew was about to say "move out of my parents place" but he stopped himself. How embarrassing would that be?
"How about you do it full time for me until you get another job and then you can just do it whenever you want sexual favours. I'll pay you for that."
Matthew swallowed. Was this a good idea? Was it even smart to continue this strange sex shit?
He brought back the memories from the night before, those feelings. He was being put down and hurt and looked down on, but he had an escape. At any time he could make it stop. It was nothing like he had ever experienced before.
And he still never got to taste Gilbert's full force. If what he got last night was just a preview, then what would the future hold?
And if he was getting paid???
But did he have any experience with cleaning shit? Nothing apart from the basics he learned
"I actually don't know a whole lot aboot cleaning."
"I can teach you what you don't know."
"I'll have to think aboot it..." Matthew decided.
"Take your time."
"I just did an interview yesterday...if I get that job I'm moving to the city so..."
"When do they get back to you?"
"Aboot a week."
"So, how about you let me know then?"
"Alright. Fine. But I might get scheduled for more interviews in the future."
"We can work around it. I'll give you my number." Gilbert's smile was sincere. "Do you have your phone with you?"
"Shit...I forgot to text..." Matthew trailed off. He still didn't want to let on that he lived with his parents.
"It's in my pants pocket."
"I'll go get it."
Gilbert took off without another word. Matthew chose that time to eat his breakfast. He was starving since he hadn't eaten since the night before so he enjoyed the meal greatly.
"Here you go," Gilbert dropped Matthew's pants, shirt, and underwear right next to the still naked Canadian. He quickly dug into his pockets for his phone.
"So...uh..." Matthew wondered. "What's your name on YouTube?"

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