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Beleieve it or not, that last smut almost turned into two chapters. What the fuck??

"Matthew...there's somewhere I want to take you next weekend..." Gilbert said, voice soft to match the calm atmosphere the two had found themselves in. The two had taken another shower, this time together, trying to rid themselves of all the mess they had made. Gilbert had never showered with anybody before. Not even....
But now they were curled up in Gilbert's sleeping bed, Gilbert wearing his own pyjama pants and Matthew naked except for one of Gil's extremely large t-shirts. That was another thing that Gilbert didn't do for his partners. What had come over him.
Well, Matthew's dick had, but that was all cleaned up now.
"To the music festival thing?" Matthew guessed. His head was rested on Gil's shoulder and man did it ever feel good. It was still damp but it smelled like Gilbert's shampoo and Gil was enough of a narcissist that he thought that was sexy I guess.
"It's something else, but we could go to that instead if you want."
"No! I want to go to your thing! What is it?"
"It's a surprise. But you'll like it."
"What kind of surprise?"
"One I don't normally give my partners." Gilbert admitted. "But you're allowed to go because you're special."
"I'm special? How?" Matthew shifted down until his head rested in Gil's lap.
"'s hard to explain..." Gilbert started to run his hands through Matthew's damp hair. "It's like, you really caught onto this quickly. The other people I've been with normally still giggle and laugh when they have to call me master and shit...but you...just jumped right into it. It's were born kinky."
"I think I was just repressing a lot??" Matthew guessed.
"Why are you into this? Are you doing this to yourself because you feel like you deserve it?"
"No! Of course not. It's nice. That's all." Matthew insisted, but something twisted in his gut. Did he feel that way? Was this punishment for...everything? What had he even done to deserve punishment other than wishing that...that thing...never happened.
"Matt...can you tell me about your life. Like, how you got here and stuff..."
"I'm kinkshaming." Matthew smirked.
"Is that a no?"
"Not really." The blond sighed. "I had a pretty normal upbringing except for the gay dads part. They adopted me and my twin brother and then when we got a little older they adopted Michelle and Peter, who were older when they were adopted. Me and Al were only babies when we came along. I think dad and papa just didn't want to go through the baby stuff at such an old age or whatever."
"So what's your brother like?"
"He's a jerk. But aren't all older brothers..."
"Uh...I'm an older brother!" Gilbert gasped.
"And Ludwig probably thinks you're a jerk too."
"He does not!"
"I'll ask him, little brother to little brother, if we ever meet. I'm certain he'll say you're a jerk."
"Okay but let's get back on the topic of your jerk brother. Did he move out?"
"We both moved out when we were nineteen. Al got a job in America and I got one in the city. But then I lost that job so now I'm off my parents at twenty five like some kind of loser."
"You're not a loser. You're really trying to get back on your feet, and that's what counts!" Gilbert cradled Matthew's face in his hands.
"If I've learned anything from working in business for four's that results are the only thing that matter."
"How did you lose your job anyway?" Gilbert asked.
"I don't want to talk aboot that." Matthew pursed his lips.
"Okay. Then we won't." Gilbert didn't sound angry about not having his question answered. He sounded like he wanted to know but he was respecting Matthew's boundaries. "Wanna watch tv?"
"Sure." Matthew nodded.
"Great. Cuz I don't think you're gonna be able to walk home for a while."

Wowie wow wow

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