Zander lifted his face from his squatting position to look at Carlisle. "Again?"

Carlisle huffed, "Yes, Mr. Hammelton. I'm bringing both of them to the park. I believe they've been stuffing themselves inside for too long. They're toddlers after all. They need to be wild sometimes."

"Uh-huh." Zander just nodded along Carlisle speech. "Okay then, ...urm, you'll go to that park at the front junction right?" He asked, this time facing Carlisle as he'd already stand.

Carlis nodded.

"Great! Meet all of you there in a bit then." He informed before jogged back to his car then drove back to the opposite lane.

"Oh... Okay." Carlisle whispered after his tranced before proceed to push the stroller to the intended destination.

Founded a nice shades spot he stopped there, gauged a blanket from the compartment, he spread it on the grass before take the twins one by one and put both on it. He let them to roamed around him while watched them from his spot. But then he realised that one of the twins, Noël to be precise did not - even once - walked down from the spread blanket.

Noël seemed content playing by himself on the blanket while Noah had tried to run around with his newfound 'twenty months' legs strength. While keeping an eyes to Noah, Carlisle changed his position nearer to Noël but sat on the grass to try encouraging him to experience the nature.

"Noël." He called the boy slowly while tapped his chubby little hand, resulting the boy to look at him. Smiled, he said, "Let's play here. I want to play with you here." He patted the grass in front of him. "Come." He called invitingly.

Noël looked at the grass outside of blanket area then reached out his hand to touch its first. Barely touched, he retracted his hand immediately with pleading eyes towards Carlisle.

Carlisle chuckled lightly, "Did you afraid? There's nothing to be afraid. See." , He said to the boy with hand running on the grass. "Now, try to touch the grass again." He encouraged Noël to did it but the boy shake his head in refusal. Glancing at Noah that had took a sat on the grass a bit in front of them to make sure he did not went lose to far, he continued with Noël. He plucked a blade of an iota long than other grass and put it on his palm then show it to Noël. "Here, touch it." At first, Carlisle needed to face with refusals but slowly it tone done as he'd shown him that the grass gave no harm to them.

"See, you can touch it. Good boy!" Carlisle clapped his hand in enthusiasm for his achievement in persuading the boy, also for Noël newfound bravery. The boy gave a toothy smile to him with a blade of grass lied on his open palm. "Try to step on it. Just touch it with your feet." He encouraged after supported Noël to stand. "Okay.. slowly put your feet down. Slo- "

"Noah! Noël!" Carlisle teaching being cut down by an overly excited voice. Both boys snapped their head towards the voice that they recognised. Quickly, Noah heaved his diapers filled bottom from the ground while Noël pull himself from Carlisle hold. Both of them ran towards the caller, which was Zander in his tracksuit.

"So much of afraid to grass before. Just put his daddy in front then nothing will matters, I think." Carlisle muttered to himself after saw that mini human he taught before freely ran on the grass towards Zander without any fear. Then, he crawled a bit to sit on blanket.

Zander picked both boy and walked towards Carlisle on a blanket before took a sat with them on his laps. "Hey."

Carlisle smile and nodded. "Hi."

Then, the situation back to only the sound of both boys blubbering before the sound of Zander cleared his throat being heard. "So, did you has a passport?"

"Huh? Why does it matter?" Carlisle asked doubtfully.

"Well, it does matter because this Saturday I'll go to overseas for three weeks. So, I want to bring both boy with me th- "

"I have! I'll go. Don't worry." Carlisle cut with his eyes gleaming excitedly. "Where will we go? Do I need to prepare anything before going there? Fare? What about it? Do you cover it for me? Also..also-"

"Stop!" Zander said in amusement. "We'll go to an island, Mediterranean island. Just prepare your clothes and yourself and I'll cover everything there." He answered Carlisle directly. The twins long departed from his laps.

"Noël and Noah stuffs?" Though Carlisle excited, he tried to remind himself that he'll went there as a nanny and not solely to vacation.

"I'll prepared their luggage but if there anything you want to add just do it."

Carlisle grinned. "Noted."

"Okay then. I'll continue my jog a bit. Don't back to the house by yourself, wait for me. We'll back together." Zander said before took a step to start his exercise.

Carlisle nodded, there's nothing he can said when his employer said so.


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