"I'm up, I'm up!"

Not only did Robin's mother not know that all her friends were white, but the fact that Robin's mother would be utterly embarrassing made her gag. She shuffled over on the other side of the couch and smiled unsteadily towards her mother, who cheered and smiled wide from behind the camera. She put her face way too close to the lens and squinted harshly as she pressed down on the button, murmuring,

    "Say cheese."

    "Cheese," Robin flatlined.

    "Ooh, ooh, now say 'gooo Lochness!'" her mother nodded enthusiastically and waited, only to catch a picture of Robin staring at her defiantly with her hand on her hip.

    Her mother frowned,

    "Oh, alright. At least I got that one."

The both of them began to laugh as her mother shook her head, and they wrapped each other in a hug.

    "Oh, you have fun, Birdy," her mother smiled warmly.

    "I will."

Not too long after, the doorbell rang, and both their heads tilted towards it.

    "Ooh, wonder who that could be!" Robin's mother trilled. When Robin gave her the death glare, she nodded. "I should probably go into the kitchen. I might've left something in the... oven."

    Robin waited until her mother was out of sight and not trying to take a peek to open the door. She smiled immediately, expecting to see River waiting for her and the usual rest of the gang hooting up a storm on the curb in the car, but she was met with a different familiar face.


    "Hi!" she chirped, extending her arms out wide to embrace her.

Robin was taken aback by the way Amandla fell into her arms and hugged her tight. It sort of seemed like she was regaining a friend, or speaking with an old college friend ten years later. It felt reminiscent, nostalgic. That was mainly because the last time Robin hung out with her, she left suddenly because of Corey being with a new gal who he didn't even want anymore, and for a short amount of time too. It felt like they had grown closer among this time.

    "Hey!" Robin said after pulling back, trying to sound more excited than sad. She turned around to face her mother, and called out. "Alright, bye mom!"

    Her mother excitedly said goodbye and the two girls stepped out the door and turned around. As soon as they did, they were hit with the sound of the radio blaring and cheers and laughter erupting from all over the place. Robin smiled to herself, a warm feeling growing inside of her at the sight of the people she truly considered her friends, and walked towards the car with Amandla behind her. The only thing that striked Robin as odd was the fact that Elizabeth was nowhere to be found, but meanwhile, Corey was in the car seat with a smile imprinted on his face.

    That was weird. Corey hadn't broken up with Elizabeth and yet, here was Amandla, hanging out with him casually as if nothing had happened between them. She guessed she'd find out later.

    "Oh, uh, there's not that much space, you're gonna have to squeeze in or sit on River's lap," Feldman commented.

    "Ha-ha, very funny," Robin replied bleakly. But she started to look around inside the car and realized he was right.

    Feldman was driving, Corey was in the left back seat, Amandla had already sat in the middle seat, Heather was sitting on the right back seat, and River was in the front passenger seat. Her face paled of color and she stopped in her tracks, staring dubiously at everyone in the car just then. It was as if they were all a part of some conspiracy and had planned out a seating chart just so Robin would have to be closer to River, who they all thought should be an official couple.

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