The Walkers Mansion

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      Hey Everyone! So my finale story is a love story between a girl and a ghost. I actually wrote this story about two years ago, wanting to upload it on here; although I never did. So Please comment or vote on this particular story if you would like it as its own story! Thanks so much for reading these stories! :P

           October 31, Halloween night: When all the creepers come out. I personally don’t mind Halloween much it’s just another popularity contest: Who has the best costume. I don’t even try to compete with some of the Halloween goers, I’m just a witness.

            “Hey Jackie!” Meredith yelled from across the black, concrete street in her complete angel outfit when she should’ve been a devil; that would’ve been a good one. Meredith was the meanest girl in school, and because I’m just that lucky she lives in my neighborhood.

            “Hey” I tried to say as tuff as I could, but instead it came out more as a squeak. Whenever I try to stand up to her I always feel like a mouse vs. a lion.

            “Nice costume guys. What are you trying to be? Two pathetic losers? Cause you wouldn’t have to dress up for that!”

            “Hey back off Medusa” Hannah said behind me; Wow I can’t believe I forgot she was there.  Meredith stepped up close to Hannah and replied;

            “Why don’t you make me?”

            “Oh, don’t get your snakes in a bundle”

            Meredith gave a glare to me and Hannah and stalked off down the street. I swear Hannah is not afraid of anything; I only wish I could be more like her. She always had my back when it came to Meredith and her crew. I don’t know how we became friends but all I know is that we will always be, no matter what. 

            Hannah and I finally arrived at our destination: Mellissa’s house. Mellissa was part of our little group of friends. It was always me, Hannah, Mellissa, Linds, and the ladies man, Mark.

            It was us vs. the world.

            When we walked inside we saw nobody until we heard some laughter from downstairs in the basement. Hannah and I exchanged looks and walked down the stairs to the Halloween decorated room. It held orange and black streamers with white ghosts hanging from the walls, with tomb stones everywhere. If I didn’t know this was my friends’ house I would’ve thought I walked into a haunted house.

            As we got over the fact that we were in her basement I noticed to my disgust Mellissa, Linds, and Mark sitting in a circle playing Truth or Dare. I saw Mellissa then jump up and do the Macarena in front of everyone. Oh, how much I’d love to be pounded with insults right now by Meredith.

            Mark looked up and noticed our presence. “Hey Jackie, Hey Hannah. We’re playing Truth or Dare, and then we might watch Dracula. How about it? Want to play?”

            With a dreadful grunt I sat down to my doom. Severely humiliating turns went by but still no one ask me Truth or Dare. I released a content sigh.

            “Jackie, it’s your turn. . . Truth or Dare?” Mellissa asked. Oh joy.

            “Uh. . . D-Dare” I stuttered. Dang it! I should’ve done a Truth! What was I thinking picking a dare!

            “Okay let’s see. . . I dare you to go in to the Walker Mansion” I stared at her in shock, and she snickered in my direction.  

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